Page 81 of Two Pilots for Her

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“How about we apologize and then drop to our knees, begging for our jobs? Kaitlyn’s right. There’s no way her father is going to believe our word over hers.”

Andrew’s back straightens and his eyes sparkle when he looks at me.

“I’ve got it.”

Hazel is looking at Andrew like a confused puppy, her head is turned a little more to one side as she watches him. I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s not on Planet Andrew right now.

“You’re right, Dylan. We should see ourselves out. We need to quit before she even gets a chance to talk to her dad.”


Hazel and I are shocked.

“I thought this plan would look more like us having a job in the end.”

“Think about it, guys...”

Andrew stands from his spot and downs the last bit of coffee in his mug, like he’s about to make the presentation of a lifetime.

“If we quit before Kaitlyn gets a chance to even speak to her dad, that not only saves us from having the whole ‘being fired’ thing on our record, but that saves our reputations too.”

“If she tells her dad about us, or even worse, creates a lie about us, we’ll be lucky to be hired at any other airline ever again. It’s not illegal to be in the relationship we are in. Hell, it’s not even against company policy- but there aren’t any laws or policies in place to save us, either.”

Silence is thick in the air.

“I’m nervous,” Hazel says, her voice just barely above a whisper.

“Me too.”

“I am too, but I don’t see any other way. It’s either quit, and find a new airline, or be fired and never have a job in this career again.”

Hazel inhales deeply.

“I’m in. I’ll be okay as long as we’re together.”

“Me too,” Andrew says.

They both look at me with their goddamn gorgeous freckles and beautiful blonde hair.

“Me three.”

“It’s settled then. Here’s more coffee, my computer’s in the living room. Let’s get to writing our resignation letters.”

I have never written a resignation letter in my life, so when Andrew and Hazel pull the laptop off of my lap and begin typing for me, I’m relieved to the point of laughing.

What the hell would I do without them?

“No, that doesn’t sound like him. Here, try this.”

Hazel steals the laptop from Andrew and types furiously.

“Oh, you’re right. Yes, I see.”

“Okay, Dylan. All you have to do is sign your name and click send.”

I can’t even bring myself to read what they wrote, but it doesn’t look long. I sign it, and click send.

My stomach drops as my finger hovers over the button. It’s plummeting down to who-knows-where. This is it. After I click this, I’ll no longer be a pilot with Burgess Airlines. I can kiss my dream of becoming a captain goodbye. Now, I’ll have to start over somewhere else.

Hazel laces her fingers with mine. She takes her other hand and holds Andrews.

“We are all officially jobless.”

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic