Page 79 of Two Pilots for Her

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Kaitlyn scares the hell out of me as we round the empty hallway out of the gate. She’s got us cornered, and my protective instincts put me slightly between her and Dylan, even though I know he can fend for himself.

“No, not you.”

“How the hell did you know we were going to be here? Are you stalking our schedules?”

“Stalking is such a strong word, Dylan. I wanted to give you two some good news.”

Her voice is a particular kind of velvet that sends my danger signals up.

“What good news would that be?”

“I’m giving you two another chance.”

The silence from Dylan and I is turning my guts.

“Another chance?”

“Mhm. You’re done with work; I’m done with work. My place is open tonight. Why, do you two have something better to do?”

“Kaitlyn, for the last time, we’re not fucking you.”

I don’t mean to be so aggressive, but I’ve had it. She’s fucked with us one too many times.

“Knock it off with the harassment or maybewe’lltell your father.”

“As if my father would believe your word over mine?”

Her nose is pinching at the corners, like she wants to scowl at us, but something is keeping her from doing it. Disappointment? Pride?

Kaitlyn’s laugh makes me shake as she turns on her heels. Her heels click against the linoleum.

“Fine. I’ll call my father tonight. Kiss your precious little jobs goodbye.”

She’s gone.

I feel a hand around my bicep. It’s Dylan.

“We’re telling Hazel. This doesn’t just involve us.”

“Telling Hazel what?”

I turn around to see Hazel standing there looking confused. I feel like I can finally breathe.

“I’m sorry. I was worried about you two and came to find you,” she says.

“There’s nothing to apologize about, Hazel.”

Dylan wraps his arms around her and buries his face into her neck. I can tell he needs this hug from her more than I do, but when it’s finally my time, I melt over her gorgeous frame.

“Is there something wrong?”

I nod at Dylan.

“It’s Kaitlyn Burgess. She’s found out about the three of us. I don’t know how or why she even cares, but now she’s threatening us. She told us that if me and Andrew don’t sleep with her, she is going to tell her father about us and ruin our careers. I don’t know what to do, I-”

“Dylan. Breathe,” I say, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder.

Hazel doesn’t say anything.

Instead, her face burns red. Her jaw is set tight, and her fists are balled at her sides. I’ve never seen her angry before. The green in her eyes is brighter than ever, and it almost looks like her freckles are too.

“Where the hell is she?”

“Hazel. Dylan. I need you both to be calm. We can’t freak out right now. That’s exactly what she wants. Now come on, let’s go home. We’ll figure something out.”

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic