Page 69 of Two Pilots for Her

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“What’s your point?”

“My point is that you claimed I picked a horrible movie because of the flight aspect and then you go and do the same exact thing!”

“Okay, okay, okay!”

Hazel interrupts before the heat between Dylan and I rises- although it’s never. ever serious and almost always ends with the three of us making out. She stands up and runs to grab a DVD from her purse. Her smile is so wide and adorable.

“Here’s my pick for this week.”

She’s beaming as she presents it.

“Are you serious?”

“No way.”

“This is a great movie and it’s hilarious!”

“Did you do this on purpose?”

“I would never.”

Hazels devilish smile says otherwise.

Dylan and I are in near tears, laughing on my couch, leaning up against one another as Hazel bends over and slides inView From The Top.

“Do you think we’re obsessed?”

My voice is low, next to Dylan’s ear. His scent makes me feel like I’m home.

My phone buzzes at the same time Dylan’s does. It’s second nature for us to assume it’s the airline, one way or another. We look at each other, confused before we check our notifications.

It’s an email from the airline.

“Oh, shit.”

Dylan’s words are accompanied by an excited smile.

“I forgot they have this.”

“Guys? What is it?”

Hazel hasn’t even clicked play on her movie yet.

“The airline- we signed up for this email ticker that tells us when we hit a milestone in our flight hours.”


Hazel looks at me and I know she’s asking me to fill in the blanks.

“When we get enough hours in, we get closer and closer to being promoted to captains!”

Hazel’s gasp is so genuine. She’s already proud of us and I still can’t work my brain around why that feels so damn good.

“How close are you?”

“Really, really close. You know what that means!” Dylan says.

“Um, no. What does that mean?”

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic