Page 64 of Two Pilots for Her

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No matter what I do, I can’t stop shaking. The things that have happened to me in the past twenty hours are proving to be hard for me to work through. I lay down on the bed and close my eyes.

This hotel happens to be the same hotel that we stayed in the first time I fucked both Andrew and Dylan. We are in Naples once again but for a totally different reason. This is not a pleasure trip.

As I lay on the bed, I realize that I do not want to be alone- I can’t be alone. Without giving it another thought, I text Andrew and Dylan to come to my room.

There’s a knock on my door and I get up to let the boys in. When I open the door, I can see that they are as shook up as I am. If the pilots are still shaken up- you know it was a big deal.

“We all could have died,” I say.

Dylan and Andrew nod, and we instinctively get into a group hug and hold each other. I begin to cry and both boys hold me tighter. It’s almost like they are going to cry too.

“All I could think about in those tense moments was how we were all going to die.”

We let go of each other and just stand there looking at our feet.

“I couldn’t bear the thought of losing either one of you.”

“Let’s all sit down,” Dylan says.

The three of us go over to the sofa and chairs by the windows, and sit down.

“Look Hazel, when the three of us got involved, we completely forgot about the Bang Book. We wanted to keep seeing you. Being with you was not a game. It was all for real,” Andrew says.

Dylan leans forward on his chair so that he can touch my leg. I move closer to him and offer my hand. He takes it.

“You are the best thing to ever happen to us. We wouldn’t risk losing you by playing a game.”

“But you gave yourself points after we fucked as a threesome?”

“We didn’t know right away that this was going to be something serious. We’re just dumb guys who never have a clue,” Andrew says.

Dylan shakes his head in agreement. I don’t know what to say to either one of them.

In this room, our lives stay suspended for a moment. I have enough of an excuse to walk away from these two. Their behavior was despicable.

“What you guys did to all those women is disgusting.”

“We didn’t think.”

“Yes, you were too cavalier about fucking all the women you could get to be with you. If you think this low about sex, how can you ever get to a point where you are making love?”

“We did get to that point Hazel. We made love to you and to each other,” Dylan says.

Andrew looks down at his feet. I know he is still kind of ashamed about what happened with Dylan. I almost hug him because he looks so vulnerable, but at the last second I decide against it.

“Andrew, Dylan is doing all the talking. How do you feel about what happened?”

Andrew looks up at me and my heart just drops. He looks like a lost little boy. This whole ordeal of almost dying has taken its toll on him.

“Hazel, we were destined to die up there. I will never figure out how we survived. It is something that I can’t explain.”

Andrew stops talking and looks away for a moment. We all go back to that one moment where things took a turn for the better, and we were saved. None of us have any answers. But it happened, and now we are here- alive.

“The thing that made me so sick to my stomach is the disgust and shame that I felt about the Bang Book. I disappointed you and I couldn’t die until I made you proud of me once again.”

“It’s true, the way you looked at us made me want to break down. We weren’t your heroes anymore. We were just two misogynistic guys taking advantage of women.”

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic