Page 52 of Two Pilots for Her

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Life is so fucking fantastic.

I’ve just spent the night with Andrew and Dylan, and it made me realize that it’s not just about the sex with us like one might think. It’s also the companionship of these two brilliant and witty men. They have me laughing all the time. They’re so warm and sensitive to my every need. What more could a girl ask for?

I am certainly in heaven. Andrew and Dylan seem to care very much for me and that blows me away. Never have two men meant so very much to me.

Carefully, I slide out of bed, trying not to wake either one of the guys. They are fast asleep in each other’s arms. It’s so sweet.

Wanting to do something nice for the two of them, I head to the kitchen to cook a nice breakfast. Cooking may not be my strong suit, but I’ll work on it this morning and hopefully do a good job.

What shall I cook for breakfast? I can’t choose anything too fancy, or I’ll be sure to fail. So that pretty much leaves scrambled eggs. I hope they have some bacon and bread for toast.

First, I’m going to make a pot of coffee. I like these new sleek coffee makers, but the downfall is that you can only make one cup of coffee at a time. We’ve worked on hacks up on the plane, but this is a newer model and I’m not sure how to work it.

So, I make one cup and wait for it to be ready. I go to the refrigerator to get out the fresh cream. In the cupboard, there is some Stevia, so I get a few packets of those.

Now that I have all this assembled, I need a spoon. I don’t know what drawer the silverware drawer will be, so I just pick one at random. As soon as I open the drawer, junk comes tumbling out.

Just as I am closing the drawers, I notice a little black notebook labeled “Bang Book”. My curiosity gets the best of me. I take the notebook from the drawer and start to read through it.

My throat gets tight, and my heart starts to beat out of my chest. My body grows cold. On every page there are names of different women. Some of the names I even recognize. Page after page after page. Holy fuck.

After each name, there’s a number that seems to be a point. Some women have high numbers, and some women have low. This has to mean more than whether a woman is attractive or not.

When I look closer, I realize that Andrew and Dylan are awarding themselves points for fucking these women. My mind feels like it is going to blow up. How can they do something like this?

Tears of rage are burning my eyes. I feel my body seething with an angry heart. My throat is so constricted, I can hardly breathe. With trembling fingers, I flip to the last page.

And there I find my name. Right besides my name are the numbers three and five. I want to throw the book across the kitchen. Both of them got three points for fucking me and five points for the threesome.

At that moment, Andrew and Dylan come into the kitchen. They see the bang book in my hands.

My rage is almost blinding. Trying to wipe away my tears is pointless. I’ve got a whole river streaming down my face. I’m too angry to even worry about the way I look.

First, I just stare at them. I feel Dylan flinching at the furious look in my eyes. Andrew steps away from me, scared and a lot more timid than I would expect such a big man to be.

Is it worth screaming and getting angry at them? Hell yes!

“I found your so-called ‘Bang Book’ and I can’t believe that you two would do something like this.”

Dylan shakes his head and sits down on a kitchen bar stool. He lowers his head and covers his face with his hands. At least he knows how catastrophic this situation is.

I raise the bang book over my head and shake it for emphasis.

“It’s about all the women you have been disrespectful towards. Some of these women are even my friends and colleagues. How can I not be ashamed of the two of you and what you’ve done? You play a game of fucking woman. These women are nothing to you but points.”

The tears won’t stop. I’m shaking now.

“And how dare you add points for our threesome. I thought you had real feelings about me, but clearly I’m just nothing but a fuck to you.”

Andrew almost looks like he is going to cry. I can tell he feels ashamed. Dylan won’t even look at me.

“Well, neither one of you will be earning points on fucking me ever again. You can kiss that goodbye.”

I throw the book as hard as I can towards the kitchen wall. I want to throw it at them, but I have to have some control. Slamming the door behind me is a given. I want to put the fear of God in both these men.

I leave before they can speak. What could they possibly say anyways? Sorry is not going to cut it. I practically run upstairs so that I can get my things. I stuff everything into my oversized tote.

Suddenly, I remember that I’m in nothing but a robe. I take some jeans and a t-shirt out of the tote and quickly get dressed, putting on my high heels from last night. The stilettos are so long and thin, it makes me want to go back into the kitchen and throw these heels at them.

I rush down the stairs and out the front door, slamming this one behind me as well. I feel miserable now. I believed in Andrew and Dylan. Hell, I even thought I could trust them. Obviously not.

I call an Uber and wait. There is no movement from the house, showing me that I really don’t mean anything to them. When the Uber gets here, I get in and turn my back on this horrible chapter of my life.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic