Page 4 of Two Pilots for Her

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Despite our many efforts, neither Andrew nor myself were able to land that new sexy-ass flight attendant. Trust me, I like a challenge, but like Andrew, I have been blue balling it for some time now. A good fuck would have done me some good.

The flight has landed, and we’re both keeping an eye out for her. She would definitely be hard to miss.

“Open your eyes bro.”

Andrew elbows me.

“Shut up man.”

There is a little blonde head bobbing ahead of us. I point dramatically.

“There! Maybe we can catch her before she heads to her room.”

Dylan and I are attempting to catch up to Hazel without looking too obvious. We roll our bags up to the airport hotel check-in area, and realize we are a few spots behind. I elbow Andrew this time.

“Find a way to get us up there. Work your magic.”

Andrew scoffs.

“Magic? I think of it more as an art.”

He leaves his rolling bag next to me and saunters up to the desk, grinning widely to all the other fellow flight attendants and crew. But before he makes it to Hazel, she is already gone. I can tell that he stifles an impulse to yell out her name.

Her small head turns back. I catch a small, almost knowing grin on her face.

He saunters back to me, patting his jacket, acting like he forgot his wallet.

“Art, my ass,” I whisper to him.

We make it up to the hotel desk, checking ourselves in. The pilot uniform is often like catnip for women, so we have no doubts that we can still get a good fuck in tonight- even if it unfortunately isn’t with Hazel.

We walk to our rooms, an air of disappointment between us.

“Did you see that ass on her?”

Andrew shakes his head.

“That kind of thing should be illegal-”

A woman walks directly into Andrew’s chest. She was looking down and didn’t see us coming around the corner.

It is Hazel. We are baffled, but ultimately, satisfied.

“Wow miss! You’re lucky, I don’t often let just any random lady attempt to head butt me like that.”

She was looking down at her phone, and now puts it into her pocket and smiles.

“Head-butting eh? Maybe take me to dinner first.”

Hazel begins to walk away. Andrew and I scramble for some words as she trails down the hallway.

“That doesn’t sound like such a bad idea!” I practically yell.

Andrew tries not to laugh.

Hazel turns back around, her arms crossed over her generous breasts.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic