Page 38 of Two Pilots for Her

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Istand at the window and look over the city. There are so many people out there, but there are only two that I can keep my thoughts on right now.

I bite my lip and try not to let a squeal escape but come on! Not one, but two rich and incredibly sexy men are obsessed with me.

Somehow, I get to have sex with both of them.At the same time.

A year ago, if you were to tell me this would be my life, I would have laughed in your face. I was single, flying national, with not a hope in the world. Now look at me.

The squeal I’ve been holding in, escapes.

I can’t wait for our next threesome. The way they filled me from every angle makes my skin burn just thinking about it, but I want this time to be even hotter. I want us to push our boundaries and completely release whatever is holding us back. Especially Dylan and Andrew.

There’s something about the way they interact- I can tell they’re into each other. Andrew can lightly pat Dylan on his arm without there being an insecurity about their sexuality.

There’s no masculinity contest between them when it comes to physical touches, no matter how light and comforting, or firm and rough. Sometimes, when they’re talking, their gazes are held so strongly, it’s like no one else exists. They really light up when they’re around each other.

I can already imagine their lips crashing together so easily. Their skin- hot, and pressing against each other. I imagine Dylan's hands wrapped around Andrew's throat. Their biceps will ripple as their hands drag along each other...

My skin is on fire again. I need a shower.

Before I know it, the sun is setting, and our date is creeping closer.

How can I help them realize it’s okay to touch each other?

I look in the mirror, fresh-faced. I want to look so sexy that they can’t even handle it. Luckily, I knowexactlywhat I’m going to wear.

My phone dings as I sift through my closet, blasting my favorite songs.

It’s a text from Andrew.

‘I’m excited for tonight,’ it reads.

Just as I begin typing, I can see Dylan begin typing too.

“Me too.”

“Me three.”

I wonder if they’re getting ready together, or thinking about the other night like I am. I grab my deep plum, A-line miniskirt. It’s got a few inverted pleats and comes just low enough to cover me, but high enough to give you a peek if I bent over the right way, which I fully intend to do.

I slip it on over my black lace thong and to top it all off, I slip on my black sheer halter top. I leave my hair loose but put some waves in it, even though I know they’ll fall out in an hour. Still, I want my hair to look effortless and ready to be yanked.

“Holy hell,” Dylan says as I stroll into the bar down the street from my apartment.

Andrew's eyes are as wide as his smile.

I've decided that I’m only having one margarita, because I want to fully enjoy every single moment tonight. Time passes quickly and before we know it, I’m sandwiched between the two men in our booth. Andrew has his hand on my leg, sneaking it upward under the table while Dylan whispers in my ear.

“I can’t wait to get my fucking hands all over you.”

“What about Andrew?”

I can’t hide the dirty smirk on my face.

“What about him?”

“Yeah, what about me?”

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic