Page 36 of Two Pilots for Her

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Iwake up to the sun seeping through the curtains. For a moment, I forget where I am, who I am.

Within seconds, I’m pleasantly reminded by the soft touch of Hazel’s skin. She is still naked and lying next to me in the bed. She shifts slightly and for a moment I think I’ve woken her up, but she continues her deep sleep.

I smile to myself and look around the room, where Andrew is nowhere in sight.

Hmm.I don’t really feel too good about leaving her without a word, but it might be odd if I’m the only one that stays. The other night at my place was lovely- but I’m not entirely sure how Andrew is going to feel about it.

I quietly put my clothes back on, and sneak out, closing the door behind me. I breathe out as I tiptoe back to my room to rinse off all of last night’s sin- though, I’m completely okay with indulging in a few more nights like that at some point.

Later on, Andrew and I are cleaned up and looking fresh on the flight. We’re both exhausted but can’t believe the magic that transpired the night before.

“So that was something else,” Andrew whispers once we’ve reached cruising altitude.

“You can say that again,” I lean back in my chair, stretching my arms.

“I’ve been in threesomes before, but nothing like that. There was just something about watching her get fucked from every end, completely surrendered over to us.”

“And how hard she cums, goddamn,” I am standing now, getting excited by the conversation.

“So is that something you want to keep pursuing?” Andrew looks at me, clearly tired, but immensely intrigued.

“What, fucking her?”

“Yeah. I know we still got our little game going, but this feels like something special.”

“Do you even have to ask?” I grab my dick dramatically. “I already can’t wait til next time.”

Andrew laughs, turning back to the controls.

“That was my assumption, my brother.”

Soon after, we’re waiting by the baggage claim. I’m so looking forward to getting home and shooting some whiskey, taking a hot shower, then hitting the sac for a long sleep. Sex is spectacular, but it can really take a lot out of you.

“You just gonna hit the hay tonight man?” Andrew inquiries in the middle of my thought.

I shake my head, startled out of my fantasy.

“Oh fuck yeah. I’ve got to rest up for next time.”

“I’m thinking the same. Fuck, she really took it out of me. I haven’t been this tired in years.”

At the exact same time, our phones buzz in our pockets. We look at each other, grinning widely. We lift them out and look at them. It’s from Hazel, and it is sent in a group text.

“So when is our next threesome, boys?”

She sent it with a winking emoji, an eggplant, and a peach. Seeing the peach makes me think of her spectacular ass, as she raises it up high in the air for us to fuck. I don’t know how, but my dick pulses in my pants.

Jesus Christ,I think to myself. This woman must be some kind of witch. My cock really needs a break!

“Hey man, look,” Andrew elbows me.

I look up and across the way there stands Hazel, holding her phone, smiling at us. She bites her bottom lip- she is begging for us. Despite our sex fatigue I would have no problem bending her over and fucking her until she explodes.

Andrew and I share a look. At the same time, we send back a text.

“Anytime you want babe,” Andrew responds.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic