Page 30 of Two Pilots for Her

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Somehow, I’m still on a high from my date with Hazel. It’s crazy because I don’t think I truly went into it thinking that I would actually feel something real for her- but when I woke up today, she was the very first thing on my mind.

It’s pretty rare for me to actually fancy a girl- I mean, I’m attracted to many, many women- but for that attraction to actually go further than surface level? Well, let’s just say don’t hold your breath.

But it seems that maybe Hazel is different. She blows my mind every time she speaks. She is such an intelligent, funny, and kind woman. Not to mention sexy as all hell. She makes me so fucking excited.

Because of this, I think it’s probably a really good thing that I have an eleven-hour flight with her today. And of course, Andrew will be there as well.

Speaking of Andrew, I’m planning on pulling him aside before takeoff for our usual pre-flight coffee and a quick bite. Except this time, I’m going to mention my date with Hazel to him and then let him know that I’m planning on pursuing Hazel in a more serious manner.

My fear is that he may be a little jealous or feel a bit weird about it. We’ve never actually been in a situation where we were interested in the same girl- and Hazel is a particularly special one.

Regardless- I’m sure it might just be a bit awkward or quiet between the two of us and then things will be fine. He and I are bros, nothing can come between us- especially not a girl we just met.

I get ready, packing a bag and getting dressed. Within fifteen minutes, I’m ready to head out.

For some reason, my stomach becomes uneasy, and I begin getting nervous as I drive to work. But as I get closer, I realize that I’m actually nervous to see Hazel again.

Women usually never make me nervous, because there has never been a woman that I couldn’t get. But Hazel is different, and I want her for different reasons. I’m terrified to ruin this thing I have going with her.

A small part of me is also nervous that Andrew may not be so happy with me after I tell him that not only did I go out with Hazel- but that I also plan to continue dating her. I wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize our friendship and work relationship, but at the same time- I don’t want to possibly miss out on something that could be really good with Hazel.

When I arrive at work, Andrew is already waiting for me at our usual coffee spot. I push my nerves aside for the time being.

“Hey man, how’s it going?” I ask him straight away.

“You know- I’m really looking forward to this huge cup of coffee I just ordered.”

“Late night?”

“Latelatenight,” he says, smirking to himself.

We get our coffees and a couple of muffins to share and settle into a small table in the corner of the airport café.

“Hey, I wanted to mention something to you,” Andrew says.

My stomach drops. Something in the tone of his voice makes me feel uneasy. I have a really bad feeling about whatever he’s going to say- does he already know?

“What’s up?” I ask, sipping my coffee and avoiding eye contact.

“Well, you remember that sexy flight attendant? Hazel?”


“So, the other day, her and I went out on a date. I took her back to my place and it went really fucking well. Like- really well. So I just thought I should let you know that I’m going to be seeing a lot more of her. I think I really, really like her.”

What the- this was not what I was expecting him to say, at all. I’m completely frozen for a few moments until I zone back in and realize he’s staring at me expectantly.

“Dylan? Is that okay?”

Deep down I’m jealous as fuck and a bit angry. But in reality, I know that I really have no right to be since I was going to tell him the exact same thing. I try to play it cool and nonchalantly.

“Yeah, yeah- that’s totally fine. I was actually going to tell you today that I went out with her as well.”

Andrews' entire face changes. It’s a mix of shock, anger, and confusion. My stomach becomes uneasy again. This is such an awkward situation for two best friends to be in. I hate it.

“She didn’t tell me she was seeing you as well. Did you guys sleep together?”

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic