Page 27 of Two Pilots for Her

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Dylan smiles at me and pours himself a mimosa. He takes a sip.

“Mmm, delicious just like I remember it!”

It’s my turn to smile at him, so I do. A nice little seductive smile. I’ve put on enough lip gloss to make sure I look sexy. Dylan winks at me.

“I hope you like a spicy Tex-Mex breakfast?”

“Love it!”

“You like everything, darling.”

“I do.”

Dylan uncovers my plate and there is an omelet that is filled with peppers and lots of cheese. Next to that are some refried beans and crispy fried diced potatoes. I can’t wait to dig in.

“This looks fantastic, Dylan!”

Dylan uncovers a plate stacked high with toast.

“Just in case you’re on a diet or something.”

I crack up. Me on a diet? I can eat like a horse and not gain an ounce, but I’ll keep that to myself.

“I enjoy toast too.”

Dylan laughs at me.

“Oh my, toast and an omelet! Now that’s my girl.”

We begin eating and everything is so delicious. Even though I’m starving, I slow myself down and take more lady-like bites.

Dylan starts to tell stories of his travels that are very amusing and sweet. I know he wants me to feel better about my new international flights promotion.

We finish eating and I apologize for having to rush away. I’m feeling a little guilty, but I have a date with Andrew in just a couple of hours.

But I’m convinced that this time with Dylan is what dating is supposed to be like. I give him a kiss on the cheek and leave as fast as I can.

When I get to my apartment, I get undressed as fast as I can so that I can take a short nap. The time goes fast, and soon enough I’m waking up to a knock on my door.

Getting up to answer it, I check myself in the mirror to make sure I look decent. Andrew is standing on the other side of my door with a bouquet of sunflowers and daisies.

“Hello gorgeous,” Andrew says, kissing me on the cheek.

Andrew hands me the flowers, and I tell him they are stunning before putting them in a vase. A few moments later, we leave for our date.

We end up at a quiet French restaurant with an outdoor patio. Andrew steers me to a table that has flowers and candles. It touches me that he called ahead and arranged this for me.

“This is so sweet,” I whisper.

Andrew squeezes my hand and then pulls out a chair for me. We sit down and the server comes to our table and takes our order. I let Andrew order because he is a regular at this restaurant. It is clear that they know him well.

Feeling this strange loyalty to Dylan, I try to find something wrong with Andrew- but there isn’t one single thing that I can find. Not only is he charming, but he’s hilarious too- I have never laughed so much on a date.

How will I ever pick between Andrew and Dylan? It’s impossible. Both of these men are class acts, charming and sexy. We finish eating and Andrew pays the bill. I notice that he leaves a huge tip.

“How about you come back to my place, gorgeous?”

I know where this is going, and I like it.

“I guess I could,” I smile shyly at him.

I try to act cool and not desperate. Andrew buys my act. We walk to his sports coupe, and he opens the door for me. Before I get in, we kiss. His lips are so sweet. God, I’m the luckiest girl in the world.

As I wait for Andrew to get in and start the car, I begin to fantasize that I have the two guys together. I quickly crush this crazy dream because that would be insane. Right?

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic