Page 22 of Two Pilots for Her

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This time is especially different because it’s not just Hazel and I. It’s Dylan too.

The thought of whether or not to tell him about the date floats in the back of my mind like a piece of driftwood on a not so calm lake.

I feel like I can walk through the scenario in my mind.

“Hey, Dylan. I’m going to go out with Hazel, you know, that woman we’ve both slept with? She’s really awesome and I like her a lot. Also, I want to sleep with her again, is that cool with you?”

“No, it is not cool with me. I really like her a lot and I also want to sleep with her again!”

Shit. There’s a small chance it might not go like that in real life, but my imagination has made a compelling argument. What if this turns into a fight?

Dylan and I have been best friends and copilots for so long and we’ve neveroncehad a fight. Never. I don’t think we would know what to do if we did. Besides, we’d still have to go to work and fly a plane together.

I hang my fresh, crisp uniforms up in the hotel closet.

What if a fight causes such a rift between us that we stop flying together? Is it even worth it?

I look at the couch and see Hazel in my mind, in her black silk robe, letting it fall to the ground while she wears nothing underneath it. I love how naughty she is, being brave enough to wear almost nothing all the way to my room.

In my mind, I can see the way her nipples are already hard for me when she drops her robe and can feel the way her body contracts as she covers my fingers with her orgasm.

Shit, she’s not even here and she’s making me hard all over again.

Hazel seemed to enjoy it when I pressed my fingers gently around her throat. I wonder how rough she’ll want it tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that.

Again, Dylan has drifted and returned to my thoughts.

This is just hooking up. If anything, Dylan could be proud. He may lose interest in her.

Then again- his interest may heighten at the possibility of a competition. For now, I think it’s best to keep this one date to myself. At least until I know how it goes. What could possibly be the harm in that?

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic