Page 100 of Two Pilots for Her

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Five years later…

The tiger comes towards us, and my heart nearly stops. He’s so beautiful with his striking white body and stripes. What a ferocious yet majestic animal.

“Mommy, I’m scared!” Maverick jumps into my arms.

“Look at Mav, he’s so scared. I am not,” Regina laughs.

“I laugh!” Fiona laughs.

“Stop teasing your brother, girls. The giraffe scared you,” Andrew scolds them.

“Let’s keep it moving kids, there’s a lot more to see,” Dylan says.

My five-year old girls take Dylan’s open hands, and they move on. Maverick, my now 7-year-old, is too heavy to carry very far, so I put him down onto the sidewalk.

“Mommy!” Maverick shouts.

“No Mav, you have to walk. Hurry, let’s get away from the tiger.”

Mav takes my extended hand, and we run to catch up to Dylan and Andrew. We are on a family trip to Singapore. I can’t believe we have traveled here with my three wild munchkins. Of course, when you own an airline, you can fly anywhere.

Dylan and Andrew did not pilot the airplane to Singapore. They had more fun teasing the flight attendants and messing with the younger pilots. I have never seen them have more fun. The pilots were terrorized by Dylan’s pranks and Andrew’s passive witticism.

We’ve owned the airline now for nine years. It’s been tough. In the beginning we had to work very, very hard. I was in charge of the business, but I also had to be one of the flight attendants for a few months, too.

“Mommy, look at the panda. He’s out of his cave!” Maverick shouts.

It was hard when the kids were born, but we did our best as we ran the airline, and by the time of the girl’s second birthday, we owned the best airline in the country.

The company we used to work for is now bankrupt. Did we cause it? Who knows. I still wonder to this day.

All that happened to us at our old airline is but a distant memory. We’re just grateful that those events pushed us to go start our own airline.

We make sure that our crew is always happy and listened to, unlike they did at the old place. Happy crew, happy airline.

“Let’s get the kids something to eat,” Dylan says.

“I’ll round them up,” Andrew says.

I have the best husbands in the world, truly. They’re so great with the children- more so than I thought they would be.

I’ve never seen such devoted fathers. In all these years, they have never let me down.

“Mommy, do Ihaveto eat hot dogs?” Fiona asks.

“Fiona, you cannot have sushi,” Dylan firmly tells her.

“But I want sushi!” Fiona cries.

“Now, now Fiona, let's go look at the sushi and I’ll taste it first to see if you will like it,” Andrew says.

“Okay daddy,” Fiona says.

“Come on Regina and Maverick, sit here and eat your hot dogs.”

“Do you know what’s in hot dogs mommy?” Maverick asks.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic