Page 1 of Two Pilots for Her

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Sweet, air-conditioned splendor smacks me in the face as I enter the airport. I pull my bag behind me, grinning. I can already see Dylan coming at me from across the way. He too is pulling a bag behind him and grinning from ear to ear.

“Looking fine there my brother, I must say!”

Dylan claps my hand, and we bump chests briefly. I am excited to see him, as usual. Time always flies with him, in the best way possible. He’s the coworker and best friend anyone would be envious of.

I lightly punch his chest, sending him flying backwards a couple steps.

“You don’t look so bad yourself, handsome.”

Dylan glances down at himself, acting like he had never heard a compliment in his life. His shoulders are broad in his uniform. Women love that, as well as his blindingly blue eyes.

I push him again.

“Stop fucking around man. I need something to munch on before we head out.”

Dylan motions toward a bar behind him.

“I hear they’ve got great poutine.”

We sit at the bar, slowly lifting cheese-soaked fries and gulping them down. I lean back and sigh.

“I don’t know about you man, but I feel like I’ve been blue-balling it for a while now.”

Dylan almost spits out his drink, trying to hold in his amusement.

“Really man? How long has it been?”

I tap my fingers on the bar, acting like I really don’t know. Dylan nudges me.

“If memory serves I’d say about fourteen days. The flight to Hawaii was the last time if I’m not mistaken.”

Dylan is grinning behind his iced tea, winking upon my mention of Hawaii.

“Oh yes,” I reply. “The chick with the giant tits. Good God I wanted to smother myself in them.”

“Don’t act like we don’t have a point of reference.”

Dylan taps the back of his pants.

The Bang Book was always close by. You never knew when a sexy opportunity was going to present itself.

“That earned you three glorious points, brother. I can’t believe you were able to get her within such a short time span.”

I shrug.

“I came so hard that I didn’t think I’d be able to fly after.”

Dylan throws his head back and laughs.

“Well thank God you got me then.”

My phone vibrates, and my alarm appears. Time to head to the plane and begin boarding.

“Looks like I’ve got myself a challenge then.”

Dylan lifts his fist to mine, and I bump it. We finish off our food and head towards our gate.

Tags: Ellie Rowe Erotic