Page 54 of Savage Elites

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High school for me has been uneventful—until my senior year.

If you had told me years ago that my senior year of high school would be filled with a gorgeous boyfriend and a new outlook on life; I wouldn’t have believed you.

In fact, I would have thought you were insane. But now, my life has evolved into one that I am proud to call my own. I have a boyfriend who loves me, new friends, and a hopeful future.

“Scarlette, what do you think of this one?” Macy asks, as she twirls in front of the full-length mirror.

To add more change to my already evolving life, I am now shopping for prom dresses with Macy. Yes, something I actually agreed to do!

The dress is ivory and molds to her frame perfectly. She looks stunning and I can’t believe she found such a perfect dress.

“Wow, you look beautiful!” I admire, smiling back at my best friend.

Macy has been there for me in more ways than she can ever imagine. Being my only friend for years, she put up with my awkwardness and inability to be social. She loved me despite everything that I hated about myself and when I fell for Ason, she didn’t judge me for going after one of the most dangerous boys in school.

“Thank you, I really like it,” she gushes. Glancing back at me, she begins clapping. “Get in that dressing room and let me see your dress,” she chastises playfully.

I scurry into the dressing room, laughing at my silly best friend. I try on the dress and when I emerge back into the small waiting area, Macy’s eyes go wide.

“Is it ok?” I ask, as I make my way over to the large mirror.

I stare at my reflection and find myself smiling. The crimson red gown is fitting and hangs nicely on my body. A slit runs up to my thigh and the thin straps crisscross around my neck. I almost don’t recognize myself; I look so different.

“Scarlette, you look fantastic!” Macy shouts, causing me to blush. “Ason is going to go nuts when he sees you,” she says.

My heart leaps in my chest at the mention of Ason. I hope that is a feeling that never goes away. Just the thought of him has my body going into overdrive.

“I think this is the one,” I say, spinning around for her.

After everything that has happened this year, going to prom with Ason will be the highlight of my life. He asked me the day after he told his father about not wanting to be a capo in the mafia. While I still don’t fully understand the mafia lifestyle, I know enough to know that Ason’s fears and trepidations were justified. I also know that his father’s love for him runs far deeper than any rules of the mafia.

We change back into our normal clothes, buy our dresses, and then make our way back to my house. On the way, I get a text from Ason. He’s having a bonfire tonight and wants me to invite, Macy, too. I think Ason told me that Talon has a crush on Macy and now that it is accepted that Ason is dating me, Talon feels like he can also date someone outside of their world, too.

Two hours later, we are sitting around a large bonfire.

Nestling in Ason’s arms, we laugh as all of our friends share stories and talk about our upcoming summer plans. We find out next week if we were accepted into our colleges of choice and Ason and I both hope to go to Emory University in Atlanta.

“Scarlette, how does it feel dating a guy in the mafia?” Micah asks, taking a sip of his beer.

I feel Ason’s arms tense around me, but I only hold on to him tighter. It is still a sore subject with Ason, but he’s working through his anger issues and has even started seeing a therapist. A therapist who works only with the mafia so everything remains confidential...or else. Both Ason and I have grown so much, but we still have a long way to go before we are where we both need to be. But together, we will get there.

“I love dating Ason,” I say, leaning back and placing a soft kiss to his lips.

Micah rolls his eyes and chuckles while Macy smiles and giggles. She’s sitting next to Talon and he is looking at her with puppy-dog eyes. Even Gabby is having a good time. Sometimes, she can be a little hard to read, but I have enjoyed getting to know her.

Sitting here under the stars, a blazing fire keeping us warm, and lots of love and laughter, is the only place I would ever want to be.

I have no idea what my future holds, but I am excited to see how each of us grows. The once savage boy who I fell in love with has now become my forever.

The End

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