Page 48 of Savage Elites

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Rage consumes me as I stalk toward the cafeteria.

Gabby had sent me a text message as Tara had started making fun of Scarlette. I refused to let Scarlette be ridiculed or hurt by anyone. That’s why I had talked with Talon, Micah, and Gabby before school today. They knew that if anyone even dared to look at Scarlette, I wanted to know.

My family knew that bringing anyone into my life was serious. Not just because I had never cared to date before, but because our life was dangerous. Our fathers provided detailed security everywhere we went; including at school, but the risks were always there.

Now, as I barrel down the hallway, all I can think about is getting to Scarlette. When I make it to the cafeteria, I’m just in time to see Scarlette go running out of the wide, double doors. Tears stain her face and I don’t think she even sees me as she rushes past. Her shirt is stained with coffee and the liquid drips off of her as she races away.

“Scarlette,” I yell for her, but she doesn’t stop.

I spot Tara and a group of her slutty friends and my rage only grows deeper. The entire cafeteria is laughing and talking about what just happened. Once I check on Scarlette, I will put everyone in this school in check. No one messes with the Elite and she is now one of us.

Racing toward Scarlette, I reach her as she crumbles to the ground. Quickly, I scoop her into my arms and as recognition crosses her features that I am holding her, she sobs even harder into my chest. Holding her tightly, I allow Scarlette to unleash her pain on me. If I could take it all away, I would.

After a few minutes, her crying starts to subside. “Tell me what happened,” I demand, as I place my hand under her chin and force her to look up at me.

Her tear-stained face almost crushes me. An anger like I’ve never experienced before pulses through me knowing that someone hurt her this much.

She sniffles and I can see how difficult this is for her. “Tara poured coffee on me,” she finally gets out.

Fucking, Tara.

I knew Tara had a crush on me, but I never thought she would go to such lengths to try and get me.

“I’m so sorry,” I tell her. Shaking my head, I have to look away from Scarlette for a second in order to compose myself. “This is all my fault.”

Scarlette’s eyes go wide and then she places a soft hand on my cheek. The movement is genuine and comforting and I love how my heart swells from just her touch. “This isn’t your fault. Tara did this on her own accord,” she whispers.

A few students pass by us and I suddenly remember that we are sitting in the middle of the hallway. Though, I don’t care. The whole world around us could blow up and I couldn’t care less.

“She did it because of me. Everything around me is toxic. I’m unsafe,” I say.

The words almost kill me to say. I feel myself returning to my old self. The guy who cared more about keeping Scarlette away from me, than chasing after her. But now that I have Scarlette, I just can’t revert back to that guy. I care too much for her. Fuck, I love her and I won’t let go of her now. Still, that voice in my head reminds me that I’m a monster—dangerous and lethal.

Scarlette stares deep into my eyes as though she is searching for something. “The only time I feel safe and happy is when I am with you,” she says with so much conviction, I swear tears brim in my eyes.

No one has ever looked at me the way she is right now. Like I hang the fucking moon and she sees more in me than a rich prick with a tragic family. This look she is giving me and the soul piercing emotions radiating off of her is the reason why I would do anything for Scarlette.

“How can you feel so safe with me? I’m a monster.”

I have to ask because I need one last confirmation that she sees something better inside of me. Maybe I’m searching for that or there is some strange desire harvested in me that needs her love and acceptance. Whatever it is, I wait on baited breath for her answer.

“I feel safe with you because I know that you would never let anything happen to me. You have a kind and gentle soul. Nothing about you is a monster,” she says, sweetly. A smile appears and her tears see to disappear. “I was an absolute wreck until you came here and found me. Just having you hold me heals my wounds,” she finishes.

Something stirs in me and suddenly, I am energized and determined more than ever to fix everything that has ever gone wrong for Scarlette. And damn it, I am going to start with the idiots here at this school.

Standing, I pull Scarlette up and hold tightly onto her hand. I begin to lead us toward the cafeteria again and I can already sense her unease as we approach the double doors.

“I need to go get cleaned up,” she begins, but I stop her.

Shaking my head, I continue leading her. “No, I am going to let everyone know that this won’t happen again,” I rage. With my free hand, I text in my group chat for Gabby, Talon, and Micah to meet me back at the cafeteria.

As we walk into the cafeteria, a hush overtakes the room. All eyes are on us and Scarlette stands timidly next to me. I hate how intimated she is by the rest of the students here. We have all played a part in how she views herself and I refuse to put her back in the shadows again.

Jumping onto a chair, a few guys on the football team scoot back in their chairs as I move in front of them.

“What are you doing?” Scarlette hisses, as I release her hand and jump onto one of the lunch tables.

My black leather shoes stomp all over someone’s burger and fries and everyone stares at me like I have lost my mind.

“Listen up everyone,” I shout. I scan the crowd and spot Tara across the room, sitting with her cheerleader friends. Her mouth forms an O, and her eyes grow wide. Her friends all glance between her and me and they look just as startled and nervous as she does. Gabby, Talon, and Micah all stand beside me and form a circle around Scarlette. We are making a statement and it’s a hell of a bold one. “Scarlette is now one of us,” I yell, pointing to the rest of my group—The Elites. “Anyone who messes with her, will answer to me. Now, I believe someone was very confused earlier and threw some coffee on Scarlette. Only a dirty, pathetic, cunt would do such an immature thing. I mean, what girl can’t get the hint that a guy doesn’t want her? I guess I need to do this,” I say, chuckling as I turn around and reach for Scarlette’s hand.

She is baffled and shakes her head, no, as she nervously glances around the room. “Ason, you have lost our mind,” she hisses.

Smiling down at her, I shake my head. “No, Scarlette. I haven’t lost my mind. I have found my heart and soul.” Turning back to the room, I watch their amazed faces as I continue. “I love Scarlette. If anyone even dares to look at her sideways, I promise, I will end you. Take that however you like,” I deadpan.

Satisfied, I jump off the table and walk over to Scarlette. She still looks rattled as I grab her around the waist and pull her in for a deep kiss. A few people ooh and aww, while others turn away, clearly uncomfortable. I don’t bother to check Tara’s reaction. I made myself and clear and I meant every word I said. Anyone who hurts Scarlette will find out what the mafia can really do.

Tags: M.A. Lee Romance