Page 46 of Savage Elites

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By Monday morning, I am a ball of nervous energy.

Macy had sent me a million texts and social media posts wondering who I was. Who the mystery girl that Ason Antoni is with, really was. It was almost insulting that so many didn’t even know my name. We have gone to school since pre-school, but I was never on their radar until now.

Until Ason noticed me.

I wasn’t sure to expect once I arrived at school and that left a very unsettling feeling in my stomach. I couldn’t eat my breakfast that the chef had prepared. Instead, I took an extra-long, hot shower and put a little extra time into my hair. After curling my hair and feeling unsatisfied with it, I ended up pulling my hair into a high pony-tail.

As I drive to school, my phone beeps and a text comes through the interior radio.

Ason: Meet me in the parking lot

Even though I’m alone, I smile like a giddy school girl at the text. Ason and I were developing into something more than just two people into one another. Our conversations were heavy and our make-out sessions were heavy.

When I pulled into the parking lot, I spotted Ason standing outside of his sleek car waiting for me. His muscular arms were crossed over his broad chest. His standard uniform blazer was hung over one shoulder and I swear he looked delicious as hell as he spotted me. I pulled in next to his car and people stared as they made their way through the parking lot.

Even as I exited my vehicle, I could hear their whispers and questions. Holding my head high, I tried to ignore their stares and judgmental voices. Ason rounds his car and saunters over to me. The heat of his gaze on me as my body heating. The glares from the girls around us causes a slight panic to rise in me, but Ason’s smile somehow calms me down.

“Good morning,” he greets me, moving to stand in front of me.

He blocks out the rest of the world and I am grateful for what he is doing.

“Morning," I say, my giddy smile causing me to blush.

Taking my hand, Ason looks into my eyes. “Get your stuff, we are walking in together,” he orders.

“Today?” I ask.

It shouldn’t be such a strange request, but I haven’t really had time to prepare myself for this moment. I mean, people making assumptions about us is one thing. But to prove their speculations true...this feels huge.

“Yes. I told you that I wanted you. It’s time for everyone to know that you are mine. That you are off limits,” he states flatly.

Ason reaches around me, his lips lightly brushing my cheek as he reaches into my car and grabs my backpack. Slinging it over his shoulder, he pulls me as we start to walk across the parking lot. I’m left speechless.

Now, the world around us is set ablaze as all eyes are on us. All I can do is stare forward as we walk into school, hand-in-hand. The halls were filled and noisy, but once we enter, everyone goes silent. In all of the years that I’ve been around the Elites, I’ve never seen them enter the school without one another. Now, though, Ason is making a huge statement by walking in with me.

Macy is waiting for me at my locker and when she sees us, her eyes go large and a bright smile spreads over her features. She offers a slight wave and wink and as she pushes off my locker and struts down the hallway.

Part of me wished that she would have waited for me or said something, but I knew she was enjoying this moment way too much. I would hear about this later; I knew for sure.

Micah, Talon, and Gabby rounded the corner and when they saw us, their eyes flickered wide for just a moment. The three of them nodded our way, but never approached us or said anything at all. Something told me that Ason had already informed his friends about what was going down today. Still, I doubt the rest of the school got the memo.

Stopping at my locker, Ason releases my hand and leans against the wall. “Are you ready for this?” he asks, smirking a little.

He seems to be enjoying my unease and I swat at him as I shove my books in my locker. “Well, I don’t really have a choice now, do I?” I ask, playfully.

Leaning in, Ason places a kiss to my mouth. My knees almost buckle and my heart accelerates. “You definitely don’t have a choice now. They all know that you are mine,” he says, before placing one last kiss on my lips. “I’ll see you later,” he states, before winking and then walking away.

I’m left alone in the hallway, feeling as though I’m about to swim with the sharks alone.

By lunch, I feel like the entire school has heard about mine and Ason’s relationship. Students who have never spoken to me before, have asked me questions like; how long this has been going on, was I new to the school, and if I had any gossip to share.

It had been exhausting avoiding their questions and comments, but somehow, I made it halfway through my day without incident. As I walked into the lunchroom, there was a different energy floating through the air. Everyone grew silent as I approached the salad bar, which was stationed next to the coffee bar. Macy was working on a group project in the library, so she wasn’t there to save me now. Moving to order a salad, I heard someone say my name from behind.

Turning, I was shocked when I spotted Tara and an evil smirk on her face.

“Scarlette? Is that your name?” she asked coolly.

Tags: M.A. Lee Romance