Page 22 of Savage Elites

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“We have several opportunities for you, Ason. We just want you to start thinking about which role in the Antoni Mafia you would like to partake in,” Solly noted, his serious tone changing the atmosphere in the room.

As always, my dad just sat back and watched our exchanges. He was a man of few words, but I guess he could get away with that as the capo. Sometimes, I liked to think I was like him...

“Just think about it. Maybe even spend a day with one of us. Get your feet wet,” Ryder added.

“Ok. Well, I will have to look at my schedule. With school, baseball, and now these fucking tutoring sessions...”

“Watch your mouth,” mom shouted across the kitchen.

“Sorry,” I grumbled out.

It was hilarious when they tried to parent me. My parents talked worse than anyone I had ever met, but God forbid I utter a curse word, too.

I finished eating while the men around me talked about work and what they thought might be best for me. I knew this was far different from how my dad made his way into the mafia, but still, none of it felt right to me. I loved the idea of being powerful, but I wasn’t sure if I was willing to kill for it.

Tags: M.A. Lee Romance