Page 20 of Savage Elites

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I nodded, acknowledging his words. I had no idea what I was supposed to say, so I just let the silence do the talking for me.

Wiping my eyes, I knew that I needed to get up off of the floor. I had acted out of emotions and now, I was embarrassed to be seen like this. I pushed myself off of the floor and stood. Ason got up, too, and we stood in the darkened hallway. Running my hands over my pleated skirt, I offered a slight smile his way. I started to walk away, but I paused. I had to acknowledge this moment. It may be the only time Ason ever shows true kindness again.

“It’s ok. I appreciate your apology,” I stated, before turning on my heel to walk away.

Before I could make it down the hallway, I felt a pair of strong arms grab me. Halting my steps, my heart kicked into overdrive. Spinning around, I came face-to-face with Ason once again.

“Never let anyone disrespect you, Scarlette,” he stated, with his velvety voice.

Heat rushed to my core as the sound of my name on his lips; it sounded like a sin and it was too much for me to handle. My breath caught in my throat and all I could do was stare blankly at him. I was frozen in place.

Paralyzed by his essence.

I stared at him, watching how his jaw ticked and his eyes flashed with a raging inferno. I wanted to know what he was thinking and feeling. I wanted to dive into his heart and mind; even though I knew it was insane to think anything at all about Ason.

“Why do you care?” I dared to ask.

Before I knew what was happening, Ason leaned down and crashed his lips to mine. I lost all control of my senses as I felt his lips touch mine. It was everything and more as my heart beat wildly against my chest and my body filled with a need I had never experienced before. I was caving to his touch, unable to resist him. Never in my life had anyone kissed me like this before. He fisted my hair in his hands and the pain was welcomed.

As quickly as the kiss had happened, it was over and I stepped back on wobbly legs. My hand went to my swollen mouth and shock registered as my body froze in place. Ason Antoni had just kissed me and I had let him.

His chest rose and fell rapidly as he towered over me. Wide eyes stared blankly at me, analyzing my reaction to the madness that had just happened. Sighing, he tucked a lose strand of my hair behind my ear. I couldn’t move or react. I felt like I was having an out of body experience and I was just hoovering in the air, watching the scene play out.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t...” he stopped mid-sentence, letting out a growl before storming away.

All I could do was just stand there and watch his back as he ran down the hallway. Shoving through the wide double doors, he disappeared outside. The slamming of the doors closing jolted me out of my stupor. My hand was still to my mouth and the lingering taste of Ason on my lips felt like a wicked prize. I had no idea what in the hell had just happened, but I knew one thing was for sure; my life would never be the same.

Tags: M.A. Lee Romance