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She looks at me. ‘I don’t think these people like me very much.’

‘I wouldn’t take it personally. They don’t like me very much either.’

She sighs. ‘It feels better here, on this beach. Even if the company is a little rough.’

My gaze meets hers in the dark. Neither of us speaks for the longest time.

Annie’s first to break the silence. ‘I’m safe on this abandoned beach with you. Right?’

I nod. ‘For now.’

She smiles and looks back at the water. ‘Will they really go skinny-dipping later?’

‘Can’t tell you how many drunk twats I’ve pulled from that water.’

‘Really? Bully by day, hero by night.’

‘I’ve also been tempted to leave a few as shark food.’

She rests her head on her hand, observing me. ‘Would you pull me out of the water?’

I wouldn’t let her get in to begin with. ‘Don’t you have a God for that sort of thing?’

She laughs silently, her arm brushing mine. It’s not like me to notice stuff like that, but I notice it tonight.

‘Do you think I could have the skinny-dipping experience without the skinny-dipping part?’ she asks.

‘I’m going to assume you’re drunk and don’t know what you’re saying.’

She sighs. ‘I know what I’m saying. I want to go in but keep some clothes on.’

I watch her, trying to assess her level of drunkenness. ‘Yeah, we just call that a swim ’round these parts.’

She stands up and begins unbuttoning her jeans. ‘Come in with me.’

I reach up and still her hands. ‘You’re not going in the water.’

She lets go of her jeans and sits down again. ‘You might be right. I think I’ve had enough to drink.’

My shoulders relax.

‘They warn us about these worldly parties,’ she says. ‘They’re supposedly wildly immoral, bursting with temptations.’

‘Worldly parties? That’s what they call a bunch of teens hanging out?’

She nods.

I lean back on my hands. ‘I mean, they’re not entirely wrong. Someone will likely be lighting a joint or sneaking off into one of the bedrooms by now.’

‘But not every person. I mean, you’re sober, and you have zero temptations because you’re stuck here with me.’ She flashes me a cheeky smile.

That last part isn’t entirely true. Annie Wilson’s proving to be a small temptation in her own right. But only a fool would go there. Only an idiot would try to compete with a God.

She leans back on her hands also. We’re eye to eye when she whispers, ‘I think I’m having doubts.’

It takes me a moment to realise she’s talking about her religion. ‘I’m guessing that’s also a sin?’

‘Yes,’ she replies. ‘I can’t help but wonder if Bridget did the right thing in leaving. I mean, she hasn’t come back, and everyone assured me she would. Maybe she’s happier outside of it.’

I have no idea how to respond to that. If I were capable of pity, I might be inclined to throw some her way.

‘Annie!’ Tamsin calls behind us. ‘You down here?’

Annie rises to her feet. ‘Yeah.’

‘It’s quarter to eleven. We need to sober up.’

‘Coming!’ Her gaze falls on me once more. ‘Thanks for keeping me on dry land.’

I’m eye level with the exposed skin above her jeans, so I keep my focus on the water ahead. ‘Enjoy your first hangover, Wilson.’

Tags: Tanya Bird Romance