Page 130 of Shards of You and Me

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‘A slow-growing tumour, so that’s positive.’

I think back to how many seizures this woman has had that were labelled as demonic attacks, cared for by people with no medical knowledge whatsoever. ‘I’m very sorry to hear that.’

She gives me a weak smile. ‘Nothing some prayer and radiation won’t fix.’

I’m relieved she included radiation in that sentence. ‘Lucky they did the scan.’

She nods enthusiastically. ‘Jehovah always takes care of his flock.’

The doctors get no mention.

She settles back on her pillow. ‘You know, it’s no coincidence us running into each other. Something tells me we’ll be seeing you back in the Kingdom Hall very soon.’

I don’t have the heart to contradict her, so I tell her to take care, then flee the room.

As I round the door, I collide with someone. ’Sorry,’ I say, looking up. I freeze when my eyes meet Brother Oliver’s.

‘Annie,’ he says, just as taken aback as I am. ‘What are you doing here?’

Flustered, I look behind me. ‘I was passing by and happened to see Sister Maria…’ Or is it just Maria now? My departure means she’s no longer my sister.

I’m so hot suddenly.

‘I wasn’t aware that you’d returned.’

I shake my head. ‘I haven’t, really. I came down for a funeral.’ And I’m sexually active and living in sin. ‘I’ll let you go in.’

When I go to step around him, his hand lands on my arm.

‘It might be a good idea for us to sit down and have a proper talk while you’re down. We didn’t get the opportunity before you left. Is that something you would be willing to do?’

Is it? I’m shaking my head, but I’m having some difficulty telling him no. ‘I’m sure Mum can answer all your questions.’

His hand falls away, likely burned by the devil within me. ‘Such a shame. It’s always sad when someone in the congregation steps out from Jehovah’s protection.’


I jump at my name from Hunter’s lips. He’s standing a few metres away, glaring at the man in front of me. Brother Oliver looks in his direction also.

‘Everything all right?’ Hunter asks.

I give him a reassuring smile. ‘Yeah. I was just saying goodbye.’ I start backing away. ‘I really hope Sister Maria’s treatment goes well.’

He searches my eyes. ‘Can I leave you with one thought?’

I’m dreading it already, and the fact that Hunter’s listening makes me dread it all the more.

‘Flee from fornication,’ Brother Oliver says. ‘The Bible puts it as simply as that. For no fornicator has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.’

Hunter closes the distance between us and pulls me behind him. ‘Does the Bible say anything about being a judgemental prick?’

I press my eyes shut, because I absolutely don’t want to see the expression on Brother Oliver’s face right now. ‘Let’s go,’ I say.

Hunter ushers me to safety. When we round the corner, he stops and faces me. ‘Don’t let him get in your head. No more guilt, remember?’

I look up at him. ‘I remember.’

He pulls me to his chest in what’s officially our first display of public affection. Not the most romantic setting, or circumstances, but a milestone nonetheless.

Tags: Tanya Bird Romance