Page 121 of Shards of You and Me

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I front up to work the following day thinking it’s going to be fine because James is spending the weekend with his kids. Except he’s not with his kids. He’s waiting for me.

He gestures for me to follow him out back. We pass through the kitchen and step outside into the heat.

‘How are you doing today?’ he asks. ‘I know yesterday was a mess… for a few reasons.’

I owe him an explanation. ‘The lady I used to work for, Maggie, died in a car accident. That was the phone call I got at the Christmas party yesterday.’ The news broke me, and then Hunter finished me.

James looks genuinely sympathetic. Of course he does. He’s a good person who deserves better than me. ‘I’m so sorry for your loss.’ He rubs my arm. ‘Let me take you out for dinner after work. We’ll get some food, and you can tell me funny stories from your time working with her. Not everyone realises this, but humour and grief pair perfectly.’

It’s tempting. I’d love to talk about Maggie, laugh and cry about her. And James would be an attentive audience. But I’d be misleading him—using him. I don’t want a relationship with him, and he needs to know that.

The back door opens, prompting James’s hand to fall away. A woman I don’t recognise steps outside.

‘Claire,’ James says, taking a large step back.

She smiles at him, and then her eyes go to me. I mean, she really looks at me.

‘What are you doing here?’ James asks.

Claire tucks her dark hair behind one ear. ‘We thought we’d surprise you, since you weren’t able to make it home this weekend.’ She smiles at me. ‘Christmas is such a busy time.’

This must be James’s ex-wife.

‘I told you I’d drive down tomorrow,’ he says, walking over to her.

Claire’s still looking at me. ‘You must be the new girl he’s been so busy training.’

An uneasy feeling settles in my stomach. ‘Annie.’

‘Annie,’ she echoes. ‘Pretty name for a pretty girl.’

‘Where are the kids?’ James asks, taking a step towards the door.

She catches his hand and pulls him to her. ‘In the kitchen with Craig.’ She wraps her arms around his middle. ‘Don’t you have a kiss for your wife?’

He dips his head and kisses her awkwardly on the cheek. Then she kisses him on the lips.

Oh no. No, no, no, no.

She looks over at me. ‘Would you mind organising some drinks for us? The kids will be thirsty after the car ride.’

My eyes flick to James, who’s a picture of guilt. ‘Of course.’ I head for the door, embarrassment and anger warring inside me.

He’s not divorced. He’s married. And a liar.

‘I like my sav blanc with a few ice cubes in it, Annie,’ Claire calls to me as I open the door.

She knows. She knows. Maybe not everything, but she came here looking for answers as to why her husband’s been absent lately—and I think she found them.

There are two teenagers in the kitchen when I enter, chatting away with Craig. One of them is just three years younger than me. Knowing that in your head is different to seeing it in real life.

Mandy’s pouring beers when I enter the bar area. I grab a wine glass and a fresh bottle of sav blanc from the fridge.

‘You okay?’ Mandy asks when I step up beside her for ice.

I nod absently as I pour the wine. ‘Yes.’

Tags: Tanya Bird Romance