Page 6 of Losing Hope

Chapter Three

What the hell? She didn’t even know the guy, and he was telling her this shit.

She had to admit the thought of his hands on her made her incredibly hot. Although she didn’t know him, she guessed he was a man who liked to get his way and would take very little shit from her.

Her family would think that was a good thing because it would keep her out of trouble, but she didn’t like to have anyone tell her what she could do. She’d had enough of that with her father.

“We’ll see about that.”

He smiled. “Yes, we will. Now get your shower done.” Blake turned and walked out, and she had the urge to throw something at him.

Hope quickly undressed. Underneath her clothes, she hid her knife and the knife sheath she made to carry it strapped to her upper thigh. She never felt truly safe unless she had her knife, and she made sure the knife was always sharp and balanced, so it would hit the target she aimed for. She’d spent hours and hours practicing until she felt confident in her skill.

When she was done drying herself after her shower, she saw one of his dress shirts lying on the counter. She quickly put that on and then her panties before strapping her knife around her upper thigh. It was concealed since the shirt was huge on her and hung to her knees.

After finding a new toothbrush and paste, she brushed her teeth and then ran her fingers through her hair. She put her clothes on the chair by the vanity and debated throwing away her ripped skirt but decided it might be the only thing she’d be able to wear tomorrow.

When she came out of the bathroom, she saw Blake just wearing his dress pants and taking off his watch by the side of the bed. Her gaze ran over his body, and she couldn’t believe how much it affected her.

His chest was broad, and between his pectorals was a patch of dark hair that matched the hair on his head. His skin was several shades darker than hers, but then she’d never been able to spend any time outdoors. She’d known he had muscles from lying against him in the car, but she hadn’t realized how large he was. Every one of his muscles stood out, showing he spent a lot of time working out without looking like an ape.

Her heart pumped against her breastbone, her nipples hardened into little pebbles, saliva pooled in her mouth, and her cunt throbbed with a need she’d never felt before. Jesus, what was wrong with her?

Hope’s gaze jerked to his face when she heard him laugh to find him grinning at her. She felt her face heat with a blush.

“Now, pet,” he said as he came to stand in front of her. He grabbed her arm when she tried to step back. “I love your eyes on me. Don’t be embarrassed.” He cupped her face in his hands. “I can’t take my eyes off of you either.”

She tried to pull away, but he didn’t allow it. “It’s just that I’ve never seen a man’s naked chest before.”

His eyebrows rose. “Never?”

She shook her head. “No. Not in real life. I saw some in magazines, but it’s different. I was locked in my room most of the time.”

“Did you go to school?”

She snorted. “No, I had a female tutor come in and teach me. My bastard father wouldn’t even let me learn with my sisters.”

His thumbs rubbed over her skin. “He’ll be taken care of, baby.”

“The sooner, the better.”

“Go ahead and get in bed—”

“Whoa, wait a damn minute. I can’t sleep with you. Isn’t there a sofa I can sleep on?”

“There’s no way I’ll let you sleep on a sofa. Now, get in bed.”

“No,” she said. “I can’t.”

“Yes, you can, and you will,” he said.

Her eyes narrowed. “The hell I will.”

Blake sighed. “You’ll be in my bed tonight one way or another. You can either be comfortable, or I can tie you to it. It’s your choice.”

Dammit. She narrowed her eyes. “Fine, but you better not try to touch me.”

He grinned. “We’ll see.”

Tags: Lila Fox Erotic