Page 34 of Losing Hope

Chapter Sixteen

Graham burst through Blake’s office door.

“What the hell?” Blake asked.

“Come on. The girls are gone.”

Blake stood and walked toward him. “Wait, what do you mean?”

“One of our guards saw them get into the car that the fuckheads who came in.”

Blake followed Graham down the stairs to the security office.

“What the hell are we doing here?”

“Tony is tracking them using the street cameras.”

“Why in the hell would they get into the car?” Blake asked.

“I don’t know. They were in and gone before the guard could get to them, so he ran into Alastair.”

“Fuck, where is he?”

“He’s calling some of our people to scan the areas,” Graham said.

Blake pinched the bridge of his nose. He couldn’t believe the fear that went through him. What if he lost her? He hadn’t had her for a few days. It wasn’t nearly as long enough as he needed. Hell, how would Alastair feel after having Beth for over a year if he felt this way now?

“What have you got?” Alastair asked as he came through the door.

The deadly calm in his brother’s voice was unlike anything he’d heard before. He knew people were going to die that night, and he was ready for it.

“They drove around the city before driving into Cummings,” Tony said. “I’ll keep you updated on your way there.”


The three brothers ran up the stairs and outside, where four cars waited for them. They jumped in at the door a guard was holding.

The three didn’t speak for several minutes.

“What in the fuck were they doing?” Blake asked.

“I’ve no idea, but Beth will learn quickly that she’s never to leave the house without permission from me.” Alastair looked out the window.

Graham growled. “Faith will learn, too.”

Blake felt the same way. He tried to take into account that he never did go over any rules, but he was too afraid at the moment to think of anything else but her safety.

He half-listened to Alastair on the phone, getting directions from Tony back at the house.

When they pulled up a block from the warehouse the girls were in. They scrambled out. When they heard a woman scream, they ran that way. It seemed to take forever, even though he’d never run so hard in his life.

The girls were in the middle of pure chaos. Hope was being lifted by a man he vaguely knew, then carried back toward the warehouse. To his amazement, her knife came out and she stabbed him in the leg and arm, making him drop her and scream. She tried to scramble away, but the man grabbed her by the hair. That fucker was going to die for touching what was his.

The other two girls were fighting their own battles.

The brothers and guards walked into the warehouse. The fuckwads were so busy fighting the women that they didn’t see them until Alastair shot the guy touching Beth. The bullet went between his eyes. Beth screamed and fell to the ground.

Blake shot a few guys as he headed Hope’s way. The man who had a hold of her was smart enough to let her loose, but Blake still put a bullet in his head.

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