Page 32 of Losing Hope

Chapter Fifteen

They drove for a few more hours and then pulled in behind an old warehouse. Frankie got out and opened the back door. “Come on. Don’t try any funny stuff, or the other two will get hurt.”

Hope thought that they really hadn’t left the city but had driven around for a while to make sure they weren’t getting followed or to confuse the girls.

Benny led them into the building.

“Put them in the back office room, tie them up, and gag them. We don’t want them screaming for help.”

Benny cursed. “Come on.” He led them down a long hallway. She could tell they used the place because of the furniture and TV in the main part of the warehouse. There were also a table and fridge. The office he took them to had no furniture and was filthy.

“Girls, sit down. I’ll be right back.”

The door closed, and they heard the lock.

Beth started crying as they huddled together. “Alastair is going to be so mad,” Beth said.

“They all will. Hell, it was my idea,” Hope said. “I’ll take the blame.”

Beth shook her head. “No, I’m an adult. I could have said no.”

An hour later, the door opened up, and Benny walked in with duct tape.

“This was all I could find. Go ahead and sit down against the wall. I’ll try to make you as comfortable as possible.”

“Benny,” Faith said. “You don’t want to do this. They will find us, and they’ll kill you when they do.”

“I can’t go against Frankie. He’s my brother and the only family I have left.”

“Who’s Meyer?” Hope asked.

“He’s kind of our boss. We do independent things, but he runs the big stuff.”

“Like what?” Beth asked.

“Bad shit, things you don’t want to know about. We’re not involved with that.”

“Do you think you can talk your brother into leaving with you? We’ll find our way home,” Faith said.

“I can try, but we’re stuck if he already called Meyer.”

“Is Meyer going to hurt us?” Beth asked.

Benny sighed as he continued to wrap their legs and hands together. “I promise to protect you.”

Hope looked at Faith. Hell, they were in a bad place, and her sister guessed it too.

“Benny,” Frankie yelled from down the hall.

“Coming.” He put tape over their mouths. “I’m sorry. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Hope watched him walk out and then went for her knife. She cut the tape around her hands, which took several minutes. Then she worked on her legs before she set out to get the other girls out. It took forever, but they were finally loose.

She ripped the tape off her mouth. “Let’s go—”

“Where are they?” a male asked.

“Wait, Meyer.”

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