Page 30 of Losing Hope

Chapter Fourteen

Hope rolled over the next morning and stretched. A groan tore from her throat as the well-used muscles cramped with searing pain. She looked around and was disappointed that Blake had left on their first morning as man and wife, but the man had a lot of businesses to take care of.

She showered in hot water for a long time, and it helped her feel better. She would have wanted a bath, but she didn’t want to take the time. After blow-drying her hair, she quickly dressed and went downstairs to see Beth and Faith in the dining room.

“There she is,” Faith said.

“Good morning. Where is everyone?” Hope asked.

“Some of them are gone, some have meetings, and I’m not sure about the rest,” Beth said.

“Where’s Mama?”

“She went back to the house with Mateo and Trent.”

“I’d like to go and check it out,” Hope said. “I’d also like to get some of my clothes.”

“I wouldn’t mind going with you.” Faith turned to Beth. “Do you want to come with us?”

“Sure. It will be nice to get out of the house,” Beth said.

“Do you know where Blake is so I can tell him where we’re going?”

Hope shook her head. “I don’t. Have you checked his office?”

“Not yet, let me see if he’s here,” Hope said and walked out. When she got to Blake’s office, the door was closed, and she could hear voices on the other side. She didn’t want to interrupt a meeting, so she decided she’d have someone give him a message for her and went back into the dining room.

“He’s in a meeting. Who should I leave a note with to tell him where I’ll be?”

Beth bit her lip. “I’m not sure we should go until we talk to them. I think Alastair would be upset with me.”

“We’re just going to my house and back. We’ll be in a car with a few guys to guard us.”

Faith laid her hand on Beth’s arm. “We don’t want to get you in trouble, Beth.”

“You know what’s weird that I just thought of?” Beth asked.

“What?” Hope asked.

“I’ve never been away from the house by myself since I’ve lived here. The only time I did leave was with Alastair, and we stayed in a hotel room for a few days. I’ll tell you that story later.”

Hope’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yeah. And it’s been over a year. That’s weird, isn’t it?” Beth asked. “Before coming here, I took care of myself.”

Faith shrugged. “Our world is different than a normal woman’s. Remember, my father very rarely let us leave our bedroom.”

“That’s true.”

“Let’s leave them notes. We won’t be long, right?” Beth asked.

“No. Maybe an hour, but are you sure?” Hope asked.

“Yes. Absolutely sure. I’ll tell Clarice. She’ll give them to whoever she thinks is okay.”

“Let’s go.” Hope leaned down, took a sip of her sister’s coffee, and grabbed a Danish.

Hope and Faith waited for Beth by the front door. When she came back, they walked outside.

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