Page 2 of Losing Hope

Chapter Two

Blake Maclean looked out the car window they were riding in as his brother Graham talked on the phone beside him. They were headed to save another Moretti daughter.

What kind of father would give their daughter to a monster? A man the father knew would abuse and torture them? Fuck, one way or another Blake would help his family do whatever was necessary to end Lorenzo Moretti’s life. People like him didn’t deserve to breathe air and live on earth.

He looked around as they pulled in behind a large building. Since it was late, the parking lot was empty but for the three cars already there. Two of them belonged to them and the last one was Moretti’s.

Two of their bodyguards held Moretti’s men against the side of the building, and another stood beside the car he assumed the daughter was in. The rest of his men were spaced around and watching for anything.

“Where’s the girl?” Graham asked one of their men.

“In the car, boss.”

Blake followed them to a black limo and slid into the back. His first glance at the woman took his breath away. Jesus, she was incredibly beautiful, and so damn tiny, but he could tell she had an attitude by the way her eyes narrowed and her chin lifted.

“I’m Graham Maclean, and this is my brother Blake.”

“I don’t care who the fuck you are. If you don’t let me go, my father will kill you.”

“Which sister are you?” Blake asked.

“Fuck off.”

Blake’s eyes widened. No one talked like that to him. He growled. “Little girl, keep this shit up, and I’ll bare your ass and spank it until it glows.”

He bit back a smile when the woman started to vibrate, not with fear but fury.

“Try it, asshole, and you’ll be singing soprano.”

That’s it. He started to move toward her.

Graham chuckled and gripped his arm. “Wait, Blake. I can end this tantrum of hers.” Graham turned back to the woman. “I am your new brother-in-law.”

“That’s bullshit,” she said.

Blake already knew she wouldn’t believe it. Although the girl could have been Faith’s twin, she was a prickly little thing.

Graham told her about how Faith came to be with them. “We know about what’s going on with your father and Rizzo, and we’re trying to stop it. We’ve been working with a few men in your house who will help us get you all out of there.”

“But she married you?” the woman asked in disbelief.

“Yes. It was one way to protect her,” Graham said.

“My sister has a heart-shaped birthmark on her body. If you’re her husband, you’ll know where it’s at.”

Blake grinned when Graham chuckled.

“Nice try, but there is no birthmark. I know every inch of my wife’s body.”

The woman relaxed. “I won’t truly believe it until I see her.”

“That’s understandable. Now, can you tell us if you’re Hope or Angelica?”

“I’m Hope. The middle girl,” she said.

Graham nodded. “We’re going to get you back to our house—”

“No. I’m not leaving my sister and mom,” Hope said.

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