Page 25 of Losing Hope

Hope nodded and watched her walk down the aisle, followed by Beth and Angelica.

Faith hugged her. “Don’t worry. We’ve got good men. They’ll do anything for us. They might act like jackasses sometimes, but we’ll deal with it.”

Hope sputtered and then laughed, already feeling better.

“I love you.”

Faith hugged her one more time before she turned the corner. “I love you, too.”

Hope counted to ten and then started walking. Her gaze landed on Blake and her breath caught in her lungs. He was by far the most handsome man she’d ever seen, even in magazines.

She handed off her bouquet to Faith and then took his hands. They stared at each other until someone cleared their throat, and then people laughed.

“What?” Blake gruffly asked the judge who was going to marry them.

“Son, I’ve been trying to ask you both the questions, and you’re both ignoring me. How can I marry you two if you don’t pay attention to me?”

She could feel herself blush when everyone laughed but smiled and then nodded at the judge.

Blake grunted, but they both paid attention enough to get through the ceremony.

“You are now man and wife,” the judge said.

The room echoed with hoots and whistles as Blake pulled her against him and kissed her. She had no idea how long it lasted, but they both got poked by someone to get their attention.

“You might want to cool it for a bit, brother,” Alastair said.

Blake growled but released her enough for her to get hugs from everyone, although he wouldn’t let her leave his side.

Tags: Lila Fox Erotic