Page 17 of Losing Hope

Chapter Eight

There was a knock on the door that had everyone turning toward it. Hope relaxed when she saw Graham and Alastair come in with smiles on their faces.

“They’re gone for good, ladies,” Alastair said.

Hope’s legs almost gave out, but fortunately, Blake held her and kept her upright.

“I’m going to get Hope to bed,” Blake said and lifted her off her feet.

They said good night to everyone before he walked out the door.

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “You know you don’t have to carry me.”

“I’m finding that I enjoy taking care of you,” he said.

She wouldn’t say it, but she also enjoyed it.

They made it to his room, where he turned and locked the door before setting her on the mattress.

“I want to shower,” she said. Even though her father and Rizzo hadn’t touched her, she still felt dirty being in the same room with them.

He nodded. “I’ll shower after you.”

She grabbed some things from the pile of clothing her sister and Beth had given her.

After a quick shower, she stood in front of the mirror and debated what to do as she slathered lotion all over her body. She had the overwhelming need for Blake to make love to her, but she didn’t know how to say it, and she didn’t want to give him the idea that she was a loose woman.

He talked about marriage, but what if he changed his mind because her father was no longer a threat? Should she give him her virginity with the possibility he’d throw her away?

The thoughts and questions kept tripping through her mind, making her slightly dizzy.

She had two nightgowns the girls had given her. One was very demurring, made of cotton, and it went to her knees. The other was white silk with lace on the top that cupped her breasts. It was several inches above her knees. Hope quickly pulled the second one on and looked at herself in the mirror. Holy hell, there was no way she’d be able to walk out of the bathroom in this. She could see her nipples and the shadow of her pubic hair.

She jumped when he knocked on the door.

“What’s taking you so long?”

“I … I…”

She heard him snort, and then to her horror, the door started to open. She looked around for something to cover herself with, but there was nothing, so she used her hands.

“Holy fuck,” he said as his gaze ran up and down her body.

“I need to change.”

The heat in his gaze scorched her and made her blood race through her body. Her heartbeat thud against her breastbone.

He shook his head. “No. I want you in that.”


He cupped her shoulders and ran his hands up and down her arms. “Go get into bed, and I’ll be right there.”

“I … I haven’t brushed my teeth.”

“Then do it now.”

She tried to shield herself at the same time that she brushed and watched as he started to strip. When he stood there naked and nonchalantly turned on the shower, she started choking on the paste in her mouth.

Tags: Lila Fox Erotic