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“What are you doing here?” she asked.

I liked a woman to be excited to see me, not pissed off, but with Megan, I had to take what I could get.

“Driving into town.”

“Most people don’t stop and watch the show.”

“Impressive show,” I replied, my gaze roving from her eyes to her lips then back.

She glanced toward the car that was being pulled onto the flatbed then back at me.

“Not everyone is cooperative.”

“Good thing I was here. Just in case.”

Her eyes narrowed, and a lesser man would feel his balls shrivel. Her gaze snagged on my gun. “I don’t need your protection.”

Arguing wouldn’t get in her bed, so I said, “You think I’m going to come upon you with a perp and just drive on by?”

I didn’t know what kind of men she dealt with, but a real man would make sure a woman was safe. Even if she had a trained partner. And a gun. And cuffs. And years of experience.

Since she was my woman, it was best she learned now I was a protective mofo. Because she was my woman. She just didn’t know it yet.

“What time is your shift over?” I changed the topic.

Her dark brow quirked. “A half an hour ago. Why?”

I gave a negligent shrug as I shifted my left hand to the steering wheel. “Just wondering what time to be at your house.”

She studied me then sighed. “Look, Hayes. We had fun.”

“That adrenaline pumping through your blood right now? I bet it’s made your nipples hard. A rough fuck is a great way to bleed all that energy off.”

Her lips twitched as she cocked her head. I knew what that cinnamon-colored hair looked like long and wild, and it only made her buttoned-down deputy look even sexier. “Your dick volunteering?”

A grin slowly spread across my face. “I’m volunteering more than my dick. I’m good with my hands… and mouth, too.”

Heat flared in her eyes, even briefly.

“Just sex?” she asked after a long pause. Her question made it clear that she had zero interest in any kind of relationship. That me getting in her bed meant I was getting right back out when I was done satisfying her with my volunteer dick.

“I don’t plan to rearrange your closets,” I countered. This wasn’t just sex, but I wasn’t going to tell her that now. She was agreeing, and she’d be more pliant beneath me. A few orgasms had women changing their minds about anything. Hell, if she got those full lips wrapped around my dick, I’d give her the world.

She huffed, and a smile turned up the corner of those perfect lips. “Fine. My address is–”

“I know where you live.” Kennedy wasn’t the only one with mad computer skills. And Sparks wasn’t a big town. I could have gone door to door and found her if I had to. Or asked Mrs. L.

“We’ll follow the tow into town, check in with the deputies who took the guy to be processed, then clock out.”

“My dick and I will be waiting.” I reached down and shifted my junk. Her dark eyes followed the action, and she licked her lips. Fuck. This woman.




My dick and I will be waiting. That was all I could think about as I drove home from the station. I was… irked by Hayes because he was too good-looking for my own good. When I’d caught a glimpse of him in his truck parked behind the scene, just watching, my heart leaped into my throat.

Which pissed me off. More than the drunk taking a pop swing at me had. I didn’t want to be excited to see Hayes. I didn’t want to want him again.

But I did. Even after three days. And he knew it.

I didn’t even like him having that bit of control over me. Pressing me into a barn and fucking me hard was one kind of control. Telling me my nipples were hard and I needed some D to take the edge off was another.

As I pressed the button to shut my garage door behind me–with more effort than necessary–I gave myself a little pep talk. “He has a big dick. You like a big dick. They’re useful, which means he’s useful. You don’t have to keep him, Megan. Use him and lose him.”

I pushed open the door to the kitchen and instinctively reached for my weapon even though I knew it was Hayes. I’d seen his truck parked out front and noted my security system was offline.

He took up too much of the small room with his big SEAL size and just the sight of him made my ovaries perk up.

“Use him and lose him, baby doll?”

“Jesus. Don’t you know not to break into a law enforcement officer’s house? How’d you get past my security system anyway?” I shook my head as I went to the kitchen cabinet beside the sink and pulled down my small gun safe. Setting it on the counter, I punched in the code. I only gave him a cursory glance because any more and I’d climb him like a tree. He’d been right, dammit. The adrenaline from the call had me wanting him.

Tags: Renee Rose, Vanessa vale Alpha Mountain Romance