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“See you in thirty minutes,” I tell her. Her sharp intake of breath, “That’s not going to work, I need an hour. When I said I do lazy Sundays, I mean lazy-lazy. I’m a mess and still have to shower.”

I groan out loud, my cock is going to stand at a permanent salute with Presley around, “Okay, I’ll see you in an hour.”

“Can’t wait,” she squeals. We say our goodbyes, and then I get ready for our date.



I barely have enough time to tame my wild hair and get dressed before Lincoln will get here. Try as I might, it’s hard to deal with all this hair if I fall asleep with it wet like I did last night. The bulk of my getting ready was detangling knot after knot, sometimes I think I’m going to chop it all off, especially after a long day running after little ones. Anytime I mention to my mom about cutting it off, she comes back with, “You know you’ll regret it. Every time you chop it off, you cry, and grow it out again. Put it in a bun or a braid, until you’re sure.” The sad thing about that is, it’s the truth, and it’s true what they say, your mother is always right.

Once I finish dealing with my tangled mess, I braid my hair, pulling it to one side in a messy fish tail braid. Then I pulled on a flowy skirt. Pairing it with a tank top, pulling it all together with a soft cardigan.

I’m just sliding my feet into a pair of sandals, going for a more casual look today, when I hear a truck pull into my driveway. I don’t wait for Lincoln to come up to my front door, I grab my purse, lock my door, and walk out towards him.

I don’t care if it seems like I’m overly excited. I didn’t think I stood a chance with someone like Lincoln. Not that he’s better than me, it’s more like he’s more refined, and well, I’m an elementary school teacher.

Lincoln is out of the truck and to me faster than I can blink, his arms slide around my waist, bringing me closer to his body. I’m surrounded by his presence, the feel, the smell. It engulfs my senses. Something I wasn’t expecting this fast, yet, I’m loving every moment of it.

My arms go around his neck, and that’s when I feel his lips, they’re whisper soft, skating against the slope of my neck. My whole body is pebbled in goosebumps, if he can get a response out of my body with the light grazing of his lips, I can’t even begin to imagine what will happen when things get hot and heavy.

“Hey gorgeous,” his voice has a rasp to it, and my body does a full body shiver.

“Hey,” my eyes looking up into Lincoln’s.

“You ready?” He questions.

“Yep, did you see there’s a new Godzilla movie playing today?” I respond as he walks me to the passenger side of his truck helping me in.

“Yeah, but I wasn’t sure if you’d want to see that or something else,” Lincoln tells me.

“Well, one thing you should know about me, I’m a huge movie buff and I’ll watch basically everything, even if it scares the crap out of me,” I ramble.

“Got it. But, Presley?”

“Yes?” I question nervously.

“I don’t really care what we watch as long as you’re with me,” he states, then shuts my door, leaving me speechless.

Lincoln is unlike any man I’ve met before, not that I’ve been around too many. If you’ve met my father, you would know what I mean. Overprotective was never a word used, but I definitely was protected, there weren’t many boys snooping around me.

I watch his every move as he climbs into the driver side, buckles his seat belt, and starts the truck. The muscles that are peaking out of his shirt sleeves are enough to make me blush.

Not wanting to get caught, I quickly glance away and look out at the surrounding landscape as we leave my subdivision.



The way Presley is blushing, thinking I can’t see the way she takes me in, It’s out of this world, an indescribable feeling.

I sneak a peek at Presley every now and then, getting a glimpse of her smooth legs that she has crossed. My hands itch to have them in my hands, to feel them, lick them, and even nip at them along the way to the one place I want to be mine, forever.

Her eyes meet mine while we wait at a red light to turn into the movie theatre. I grin at Presley. She smiles back at me, then she shocks the shit out of me. Her hand reaches for mine, the soft feeling of her fingers compared to my work roughened hands are a contradiction. Though right here, right now, it’s the best feeling in the world.

Tags: Tory Baker Finding Love Erotic