Page 51 of Bound to Cruelty

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“Why does that feel so good?” she complains, her eyes squeezed tight.

It’s a good question. I want to slide inside that heat and fuck her into the mattress, but the rational part of me continues to take things slow. To let her get used to the feel of me.

When the teasing becomes too much for even me, I guide my cock to her opening and carefully feed my body inside hers. She clenches, her cunt sucking me in with such a tight grasp, I fear I’ll come before I’m fully seated.

“Relax, Princess. Relax for me.” Both an order and a plea. Fuck. Every slight movement pushes me closer. But I want more than a quick blow out. I want to take my time with her. Remember this moment, the moment she chose me.

She sags against the bed, but it does nothing to ease the grip of her body on mine. Her forehead bunches, and I slow, waiting for her expression to clear again. When she relaxes more, I continue, maintaining my steady pace until I’m flat against her.

Nothing has ever felt this good, except maybe the feel of her silken mouth around me. “Are you alright?” I whisper against her temple.

She forces a breath through her nose and nods. “I’m fine. See, I told you I’d be gentle with you for your first time.”

I roll my eyes and swivel my hips. We both gasp at the sensation, and then I have to move.

My brain is demanding I claim her, mark her, ensure the world knows she belongs to me. Her nails dig into my shoulders, and I let myself believe she feels the same need to mark me as hers.

I ease out of her incrementally and then glide back in. Each sensation is different. When we have time, I’ll explore them all with her.

Her nails carve down my back to rest against my ass. “Will you stop teasing me and fuck me?”

I stop, pressing my weight off her so I can see her face better. “You could say please.”

She narrows her eyes and digs her nails in harder. “Will you fuck me, please?”

I duck my head and kiss her hard. “That’s my girl.”

Then I let myself go. I release myself to the feeling, allowing whatever movement, action, or direction feels good. Soon, I’m slamming into her, and she’s raising her hips to meet me. Every single one of my nerve endings feels like it’s on fire, and I’d rather burn for eternity than stop.

She comes first, and I can’t help the groan of satisfaction that rushes out of me. I fucking did that. No one else will make her come like that except me.

Her cunt clenches in a rhythm I try to match with each thrust, and all too soon, my balls are tight, and I fall over the cliff myself. One minute I’m coming, and the next, I’m staring down at her like I blacked out for a second. The rush of sensation crashes into me, obliterating any hope I had of letting her go again.

She scans my features. “Are you okay?”

I nod and press off her to roll onto my side. Fluid follows me out of the hold of her body, and I glance down to make sure she’s ok. Red smears over her thighs, and I test it with my finger.

Blood. There’s blood mixed with my cum, and I shift to look at her face. It’s red from the fucking, but there’s a telltale patch high on her cheekbones when she blushes.

“I guess I should have told you I was a virgin too,” she whispers.

I roll on my side to look at her easier. “What? How is that possible? I could have sworn you rubbed my nose in being a virgin.”

She rolls to mirror me, curling her knees up between us. “So what? I’m sure you’ve learned I’m a smart-off-now-think-about-the-consequences-later kind of girl.”

“Why did you wait so long?”

She doesn’t meet my eyes when she says, “I couldn’t let anyone have that sort of power over me.”

The air stirs, and she hops to the side of the bed to throw me a look over her shoulder. It contains none of the warmth we just shared. “So we’re all paid up, right? You should go.”



After I rip my own heart out, I retreat to the bathroom and clean myself up. I take longer than usual hoping he’s gone before I exit again.

Once my teeth are brushed, my hair is braided, and I’ve found a clean pajama set, I open the bathroom door.

An exhale rushes out of me, and I cross the room to check the alarm. It’s set, which means he knows my code, or he simply left my room and not the house entirely. But that minor dilemma is something to consider tomorrow.

I crawl into bed and shuffle the covers around. Even though we both showered beforehand, I still catch notes of lemongrass wafting from the bedding.

Tags: J.L. Beck Romance