Page 41 of Inked Temptation

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Archer tasted of coffee, creamer, and something new. I groaned into him, wondering what the hell I was doing before he pulled away.

I swallowed hard and looked at him, knowing I’d taken a leap and possibly made a mistake.


This was not me. Archer had been the first person I had kissed since everything had changed. And now here I was, doing it again without even fucking thinking.

Maybe I needed to not think.

“I didn’t expect that, but I guess that means that you’re not sorry about the kiss before.” Archer tilted his head as he studied my face.

I stuck my hands in my pockets, swallowing hard. “I’m not sorry. About either. But I also don’t know what I’m doing.”

Archer’s lips lifted into a small smile. “I never know what I’m doing either. I guess that helps.”

“Maybe.” I cleared my throat. “So, what are you working on today?” I asked, trying to keep up with my thoughts and emotions. I wasn’t doing a good job of it.

Archer gave me a look and shook his head. “I’m going through everything that my crew did when I was on other projects. Just making lists and figuring out what I’m going to do tomorrow when I come up and work.”

“So, you have other projects then?”

Archer frowned. “Do you really want to know this? Or are you trying to figure out exactly what just happened between us?”

I looked at him then, aware that Archer had found a strength, and had healed more since we last spoke.

Since I had yelled at him and told him to get over himself. I had been an idiot who had thought that only my pain mattered.

I had been so self-centered, something I had been for far too long because I couldn’t imagine anyone else feeling the slice against their soul like I had.

And that was selfish of me. Something Danielle would’ve hated. Something Cassidy would’ve hated.

“I don’t know what I’m doing, Archer. I’m just trying not to be the asshole that I clearly am.”

Archer’s lips twitched again, and I tried not to think about kissing them.

“Okay then. I am the lead plumber for Montgomery Builders, as you know, so yes, I’m working on a bunch of projects for my family. For me,” Archer corrected.

“Are you the lead or the sole Montgomery on this project then? Are you considered a contractor?” For someone building their own house, I should have been better with the terminology, but getting lost in my head day-in and day-out wasn’t always conducive to that.

Archer looked embarrassed for a minute, and while I didn’t know what I had said to make that happen, I wasn’t proud of it.

“Yes. I’m trying to branch out. I have the certification, but this has always been my brother Beckett’s sort of thing.”

“And now you’re wanting to do it, too?”

Archer nodded slowly. “Yes. I’m good at it.” I liked the sound of confidence in his voice.

“Does your brother not like the fact that you’re doing this?” I asked, trying to understand the family dynamic.

“He’s proud of me. He’d be out here in a minute if I needed help.”

“That’s good then.” I wasn’t sure what else to say. I mean, what do you say to a man you found attractive, kissed, and pushed away with alarming regularity?

“My family’s pretty amazing. I’m lucky that way.”

Tags: Carrie Ann Ryan Romance