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“Poor Tyler. I thought I was doing him a favor. Poor me. That’s not a cute place on men.” She stood up and put her hands on her hips. “Get ready. You’ve got an hour before breakfast. Expect company.”

“Kara, I can’t sit across the breakfast table from him after last night!”

“Don’t sit across from him, then. Sit next to him.” She strolled out, leaving me just as quickly as she’d joined me.

I sank onto the bed and groaned. Things were going to be awkward. I didn’t love being in awkward situations. I tended to make a fool of myself. Maybe Isaac wouldn’t show up, though. Maybe he’d forgotten all about breakfast in the commotion of the night.

I still found myself dressing with the chance of him showing up in mind. My good leggings and a flowy top that hinted at my cleavage but hid any of the extra baby weight I’d never been able to get rid of. My red hair, the same hair that Isaac had said he loved while wrapping it around his fist the night before, was up in a bun, and then I did enough makeup to hide any traces of our night together.

I even had time to get Hank up and bathe him. Dressing him in one of the adorable outfits Kara had for him, I carried him downstairs and got him set up in his highchair. Kara was manning the kitchen, making too much food. Tyler was sitting at the table again, a book in his hands.

“Did you remember our talk last night, young lady?”

I ignored him and talked to Kara while feeding a playful Hank. He splashed his food, making a mess of himself, but he was so happy about it that I couldn’t be upset about it. “Do you have the strawberry syrup?”

“For our first breakfast with our future brother-in-law? You bet I do.”

Tyler snorted. “Should’ve talked to me instead.”

“Kara, that’s not funny.”

“I think it is.” She waved a spatula at me. “I told Tyler your one-night crap.”

“Have you seen Isaac?” Tyler scoffed. “You’d be crazy to walk away after one night.”

Kara made an agreeing sound. “Everyone’s seen Isaac.”

The doorbell rang, and I glared at both of them while standing. “If either of you says anything weird over breakfast, I will out you as wannabe swingers.”

Tyler moved over to take over with Hank. “If we’re going to get him to swing with us, we’re going to have to talk to him about it, Mallory.”

“I hate you both.”

Casey and Taylor chose that moment to walk in. Casey was still rubbing her eyes as she woke up. “Why do you hate Mom and Dad?”

Taylor grunted. “Probably because they made her wake up so early.”

I opened the door and found myself blushing as I looked up at a fresh-looking Isaac. With his hair still wet and a knowing smile on his face, he was too sexy for it to be legal. I automatically leaned against the doorway, feeling a little swoony. “Hi.”

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest, quickly leaning down to deliver a hard kiss. “Hi.”

“Mom! Aunt Mal is kissing Mr. Isaac!” Casey’s shout jolted me away from Isaac.

“Leave your aunt and her new man friend alone!”

I covered my face with my hands and found something sticky on my forehead. Groaning, I realized I had Hank’s breakfast on me. “Just run now, while you can.”

Isaac shook his head. “Not a chance.”

I pouted and walked back into the kitchen. “I’m disowning any of you who do anything embarrassing. That goes double for you, Casey.”

Kara slapped me with her kitchen towel. “Come over here and wash the baby food off your face.”

“Mr. Isaac, why were you kissing Aunt Mal? Are you her boyfriend?”

I glared at Kara. “Do something!”

“What do you know about boyfriends?” Tyler turned a stern look on his daughter and shook his head. “You know nothing of boyfriends until you’re twenty-five. You hear me?”

Tags: Rebel Bloom Erotic