Page 6 of Striking

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Chapter Three


Having grown up with overprotective brothers like Henry and Maddox, I know in his heart of hearts, Maverick means well. That said, I’m not a big fan of a man hauling me over his shoulder to carry me out of a place I clearly said I was going to stay. Then again, for some odd reason, it turns me on quite significantly that his desire to protect is so strong.

We’re driving for nearly two hours when we finally stop. I’ve had to pee for at least the last forty-five minutes, but I’ve been holding it. I didn’t want to break the code of silence I’d made with myself. But now that we’re seemingly in the middle of absolutely nowhere, I’m wondering if I should’ve spoken up sooner.

“We’re here,” he says, clearing his throat. “You should go right in and get to bed. I’ll be in soon.”

My brows narrow. “What do you mean, you’ll be in soon?” Oh shit. I broke the silence code. Well, I might as well keep going. “You said we were going someplace quiet.”

He nods. “This place is quiet. We’re in the middle of nowhere.”

It’s dark, but as I look around, it looks a lot like Rugged Mountain. “And where’s nowhere?”

“It’s the second cabin I bought from Henry. I use it for fishing and hunting. It’s cozy, but when the sun comes up, you’ll see… the place is immaculate.”

“My idea of clean and your idea of clean might be completely different.”

“You were just staying in a murder motel and you’re talking to me about clean?”

He’s got me there.

“Fine,” I say, glancing down at my phone for the first time since we left the city. It’s nearly three a.m. and I’m exhausted. Maverick must be too. He was probably in bed when Angie called him. “We’ll stay one night, then I’ll call down to have someone pick me up in the morning.”

“That’s going to be pretty hard up here. There’s no cell service.”

I tip my head back. “Okay, well, Angie is going to lose her mind when I don’t send her the first word in chapter one tomorrow.”

“Fuck. I forgot about Angie. Okay, I’ll radio in a message to my buddy who can send her an update. Don’t worry about it. Right now, you rest.”

I stand in the pine forest, staring back at the giant man in front of me through the dark. Despite his gruff entrance tonight, he thought enough of me to drive four hours round trip for my safety, and he brought me all the way up to this cabin, thinking he was doing me a favor. I should be nice, or at least tolerable.

“Thank you,” I manage, smirking. “I’m sure this place is as nice as I am.”

He shoots me a look as though that could go either way, then opens the front door to the small log cabin set somewhere near a river. I can’t see it, but I can hear it rushing.

Inside, it smells much better than the urine based, moldy smell of the hotel. Here, it’s all cedar and pine with an undertone of some kind of berry I can’t define. Not only that, but he’s actually decorated pretty nicely for a guy. There’s a cute little kitchenette in the corner and a sofa with a TV and VCR. This far up into the woods, people watch a lot of VHS tapes to keep them occupied when it’s too cold to do much else, given there’s no cable. They even trade them in town. I wander over to his collection. He’s got a few John Candy movies from the early nineties, and too many cowboy movies to count.

“My brothers used to trade ninja turtle videos for Batman. I think they still have them, but I haven’t seen a set up like this in years.”

He smiles and pulls a bottle of juice from the fridge. “I think I have a couple of Batman movies in there if you’re interested.” He gestures toward the hallway and a small room set off to the left. “This is the bathroom. It’s not much, but I have hot water, which is a luxury up here. Also,” he says, stepping a few feet forward and into a larger room, “this is the bedroom. Help yourself to any extra blankets and a t-shirt if you need it. I know you have a few things of your own, but if you want something different, it’s here.”

A fresh t-shirt would be nice. I’m feeling a little grimy after being in that gross motel.

He begins scrubbing his hands together. “And… if you decide you want to talk about who was supposed to be yours, I’m here to listen.”

I let a deep breath cycle through my lungs. I’m not ready to talk yet. I’m not sure I ever will be. “Where will you sleep?”

He motions back toward the couch. “The fireplace is good to cozy up next to. I actually feel sorry for you that you’re so far away from it.”

I only glanced at the couch on the way in, but last I remembered it was a two-seater, and probably would just fit a toddler comfortably laying down.

“You’re what… six foot four? Six foot five? I don’t think you’re going to make it all night on that little thing. Sleep in here. This bed is huge and I, for one, am exhausted. I’ll probably pass right out.”

He glances back at the sofa, then toward me, his lips pursing as he thinks over my request. It’s been a long while since I’ve slept with a man, and even longer since I slept with one even remotely this attractive, if ever, but I think I’m tired enough to ignore the slamming of my heart and pass out.

“I guess this bed is pretty big,” he says. “If you’re sure…”

Tags: Khloe Summers Romance