Page 16 of Striking

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The crowd cheers and I look toward Maverick, tears in my eyes as we hold our girls.Our girls.Not for a second did it even cross my mind that we weren’t doing this together.

I look toward the crowd. “This dream has been one that I’ve held so close for the past ten years, and to now finally have my girls home with me, I can’t even begin to describe how whole I feel right now.” I wipe away tears and stand next to Maverick whose arm is wrapped around my waist. “This man is a miner. I met him because of the work the gold brings into Rugged Mountain. Without that work, I’d have never met him, and I may never have these girls in my arms. If you vote for me, I promise to uphold the family values I was raised on and continue to grow Rugged Mountain into a place where growth persists and small-town heart remains.”

The crowd claps and I leave the stage, Angie meeting me at the side with a look on her face as though guilt is eating her alive. “Oh god, I’m such an ass. I’m so sorry! Levi said he heard from a friend that Maverick had ki—”

“It’s okay,” I say, pulling her in for a hug. “I know you’re just looking out. I’m lucky to have you.”

“I had no idea you were trying to adopt,” she says, staring down at the little bundle of pink in my arms. “I’m happy to help out anytime. I’ll call you later this week and check on you. Good luck on the polls, but I think you’ve got it.” She grins and leans in for a hug, nuzzling the girls before taking off.

“I have the car seats in my truck,” Maverick says. “Why don’t we ride back together? We’ll come down and get your truck later.”

I nod and walk beside him, his hand in mine, my heart warm and full. “I thought so many awful things when you left me this morning. I—”

“I figured as much, but I didn’t want to get your hopes up again until everything was official. Now, I have three girls I’m never letting out of my sight.” He opens the truck door and helps to buckle the first twin in, while I situate the second. I shouldn’t be as turned on as I am, but my clit is throbbing like a second heartbeat, desperate for this man to finally claim me and make me his forever.

Tags: Khloe Summers Romance