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“No.” I shook my head. “Adam eating the apple represents the male urge to disobey and undo peace. And why would Goddess be a man? Women create. Men destroy.” I glared at his bloodied blades and bodies for emphasis.

Tschenkar shrugged. “I’m just telling you what I read in the Lexikon. Let’s go, Love.”

“I’m not going another step—”

He snatched me up and hoisted me over his shoulder, moving his blades to his free hand. “It’s your call not to cooperate,” he said, gripping my waist tight with his big, calloused hand. “But if we turn the corner and those cunts have more plasma cannons, It’ll be the two of them and their four hands against me, naked and single-handed.”

“They won’t fire if I’m on top—” I shut my mouth, but it was too late.

Tschenkar laughed, and the combination of his musical laugh and the way he was manhandling me worked some very unfortunate magic between my legs. I bit down on my lip hard enough to taste blood in an effort to keep my mind off the way my body was betraying it.

“Bloody brilliant,” he said, “you’re my human shield, Airlock.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be protecting me?”

He shrugged, which shook my entire body. “Keeping you nice and visible like this is going to keep both of us safe, Love. Do you think your arse is more recognizable than your face on this ship? Which part of you did you see Thuliak’s pack checking out more? If you think they’ll recognize your face better, I can turn you around.”

I screamed and started punching him.

“We’ll go with arse first,” he said, “your face is magical, Love, but that human female arse is a real magnet for teal eyes—or in my case, purple ones.”

“I hate you!” I punched him right in his jaw. It felt like the impact almost broke the bones in my hand. “Fuck! Ouch!”

“It’s hurting you more than it’s hurting me,” he grumbled.

Good. At least I hurt him a little.

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction