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Isat sulking in my room. In Thuliak’s room. In his quarters. Whatever the hell it was. It was a prison, as far as I was concerned, because I couldn’t leave.

The ship wouldn’t even send Emissary or Weapons over to me. It tried to explain to me that the thing that sucked us through and around the ship was overburdened right now, and there was too much other “important traffic.”

Me and the other women having company during a dangerous situation was apparently not a priority.

So I was very surprised when the wall to my room opened up wide, and a big alien man stepped right through the wall and into my room. He smirked at me as the wall closed tight behind him. He lookedveryfamiliar.

“Don’t you remember me, Love?”


He grinned, and his smile was what jolted my memory. His deep purple skin was something I remembered too.

“Tschenkar,” I said. “I thought you were…”

My chest tightened. He was supposed to be on his way to Eden. Thuliak had told me as much. Had they changed the plan, or…

“Yes,” Tschenkar said, “I like how I can see it on your face. The way you’re putting all the pieces together. You’re smart, aren’t you, Love?”

I glared at him. I was wearing a silk robe, and I pulled it tighter together just in case he could see anything, but my nipples were hard and poking out, so I covered my chest with my forearms crossed over my chest.

“Hey,” Tschenkar said, “I was enjoying the view.”

“Why are you in my room?”

He looked aorund. “Oh? It’s your room?”


“Open the door then,” he said, planting his hand on the wall and leaning on it.

“I can’t.”

“I thought it was your room.”

“I’m not connected to the Hivemind, or whatever.”

“Or,” he said, “Thuliak just doesn’t trust you. Hivemind or not, he could easily give you control of the room and free movemont onWrath.If he trusted you, that is.”

“I’m safer in here.”

He took his hand off the wall, looked down at me from his towering height, and then he took two big strides toward me. Soon he was right above me. His wide, armored form stood tall and wide before me, and despite all his swagger, his purple eyes hinted at some kind of vulnerability—one buried very deep down. “You’re safe? Really?No onefrom Thuliak’s pack knows I’m in here. You are not safe, Love.”

“You’re trying to intimidate me. With that armor.”

He laughed. “Let me fix that for you.”

His armor started to melt away into fog. Soon the fog cleared, and Tschenkar’s completely naked body was just inches from me. His cock was thick and huge, and it was getting hard.

“I thought you couldn’t…couldn’t rape…”

He reached out and put a hand on my cheek. His palm was hard and calloused, and when he touched me like that without permission, I thought I’d involuntarily recoil or vomit. Instead, my chest tightened, and the only revulsion I felt was with myself for the way my body reacted to his touch.

I backed away until his palm was no longer touching my skin, and Tschenkar made no effort to move closer. “See? I knew you wanted me to touch you, so I did. And now I can tell you don’t want me to, so I’m not touching you anymore.”

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction