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It only took him about twenty minutes to gather a squad of ten, and we met together in my quarters.

“With respect, Scion,” Guffrak, one of the biggest men on my ship said, his voice deep and rough like gravel, “I was looking forward to cutting off one of those pirate’s cocks, then shoving it right up his own asshole. See how he likes getting fucked without agreeing to it.”

I smiled. I was glad that Guffrak had taken a similar speech package to me. “It wouldn’t work, Guffrak, because the pirate’s cock wouldn’t stay hard after you cut it off.”

“Well,” he said, “I’d tie the cut-off end tight with a tourniquet—”

“Better to use a hot knife,” someone said, “just sear it shut with all the blood in there keeping it hard. Then it can probably get up his asshole.”

“This isn’t what we’re here to plan,” I said, “though I do like where your heads are at.”

They all laughed, and I brought up a screen. “This is Ginsburg, it’s the largest city on Eden.” The screen showed live images of the city. Every few seconds the viewpoint shifted to a different part of the city. There were holograms everywhere of big teal men who looked like they were fromWrath. Not a single one of them had purple skin like me or my pack. Fucking Thuliak.

The screen cut to a scene of women staring up enraptured as one of the holograms wanked his cock. When his muscles started flexing and contracting, the women gasped, and soon holographic seed was spurting all over the city. It hit the buildings—and even some of the women—and the holograms were realistic enough that it actually looked like the women had been cum all over from a giant man from Thuliak’s pack, but when they tried to touch it, their fingers moved right through it, and after a few moments the holographic jizz disappeared like clearing fog, and then the giant man started working on getting his cock hard again to start all over again.

“The women are just…” one of the warriors said, scratching his head, “they’re just sitting here watching this fucking hologram?”

“It cums every twenty minutes,” I said, and then I had the screen cycle through to as many holograms as possible. All were teal. “Do you notice something about these holograms?”

“They all look like Thuliak’s pack,” someone hissed.

I nodded. “Yes. So not only will he get to be First, but these virgins are being conditioned to see Thuliak’s pack as the ‘real’ Khetar. Anyone who doesn’t have teal skin and teal eyes is going to look second-rate to them. Like some off-brand consolation prize.”

“Fuck that!” Guffrak said, slamming a hand down onto the table in front of him.

“Here’s how we’re going to fix this injustice,” I said. “When the battle starts, we’re going to capture a few hundred pirates. We make it look like we’re doing what all the others are doing—hacking their cocks off, maybe stuffing the dismembered cocks into their own asses like you lot were talking about—but what we’re really going to be doing is loading these pirates all up into a drop pod, which we unleash right into the middle of Ginsburg.”

Their eyes widened.

“We won’t allow a single one of those little virgins to come to harm,” I said, quelling their fears, “we’re landingrightafter the pirates do, and while those virgins may have seen a stupid fucking hologram of teal-skinned aliens, the first ones they’ll see in the flesh will be—”

“Us,” Uraf said, licking his lips in anticipation. “Coming to their rescue.”

“Those virgins will throw themselves at us!” Guffrak said, “of course, Scion, you’ll have first choice!”

“It won’t be so easy as stealing candy from a baby,” I said—why the fuck would anyone steal from a baby, what was wrong with this species? They rapedandstole candy from their progeny? “Thuliak isn’t going to just let us land like that.”

“And,” Uraf said, “if we jump the line and start breeding with these women down on Eden…”

“We’re going to use it as leverage,” I said, “you don’t fucking touch those women until you hear from me? Is that understood? They’re going to want us bad, and Thuliak won’t be able to deny them. He’s gonna make us Second. He’ll have no choice after we make landfall. And if he tries to chastize us for doing it, well, we just say we saw the pirates landing and had no choice!”

While the warlords all started planning—not just the operation in Ginsburg, but planning what kind of women they wanted to breed with, and what kind of positions they wanted to fuck them in—I worked on my owns plans.

I’d use the diversion created by the battle in orbit and the battle in the city to snatch Eve away from Thuliak. That would be the true nature of my revenge. It was the only thing I could think of that would reallyhurtThuliak personally.

And aside from that, Eve was the only thing I could think of that I really wanted. The fact that taking her would hurt Thuliak was simply icing on the—

I closed my eyes and interfaced with the Hivemind. I told it to excise every single stupid fucking human expression that talked about cake, forests, trees, candy, babies—and any other weak-sounding speech pattern.

I didn’t want to sound anything like Thuliak. When I took Eve, I wanted her to see that I was an entirely different beast than the one she’d already bred with.

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction