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“Not yet,” Yifar said.

Therak was another of my allies—though not as close as Eriok or Rhulgar—who I’d sent beacons inviting his pack to the swarm as Third. With Rhulgar captured and disgraced, I needed a new ally to even the numbers against a possible betrayal by Tschenkar.

“Send as many beacons as we can afford to,” I said, “now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a little human to go breed.”

* * *

When I entered my quarters,Airlock was with the other two human women.

Emissary was wearing something that made her look like a leader from Earth or Alpha Centauri, while Weapons looked like some kind of warrior who was hoping to get her enemy to breed her in mid-combat.

And Airlock. Airlock was wearing something else entirely. It was a green dress, like something from Earth’s ancient history, but it hugged her curves perfectly. Her tiny waist was accentuated, and he breasts burst out from the tight garment on her waist. Her cleavage was deep and inviting, and even though her dress was thick and covered all of the skin on her legs, it still showed off her feminine shape in a way that made me want to rip it right off her body.

I must have been staring at her with an intense gaze, because all the women got very quiet, and Emissary and Weapons started to stand up like they were in a rush to leave. They were rightly worried that I couldn’t resist tearing my woman’s clothes off and fucking her right on this table.

“One moment,” I said, eyeing the other two. “I’m working on finding you two scions. Eriok—one of my most trusted allies, and a powerful Scion in his own right—will be entering the system soon.”

I threw up a window, showing an image of Eriok. His skin was dark ebony, and his body glistened with sweat over his bulging, heaving muscles. His eyes were like blue-shifted stars, beautiful but impossible to reach.

Weapons and Emissary were staring transfixed at Eriok’s dark form, and to my great pleasure, Airlock wasn’t even looking at him. Her eyes were all on me.

“Do you approve?” I asked.

Emissary just nodded absently, but Weapons bit her lip and looked at me. “What about me?”

“Therak will be Third. I have yet to hear from him, but I expect he will catch one of my beacons soon. I’ll offer you to him.”

“Can…can I see him?” she asked.

She could, but I decided it would be more effective to make her wait. “I don’t have a projection of him yet. I’ll show you when he’s in contact with me. Now, if you two wouldn’t mind leaving, I am going to breed Airlock.”

The two of them laughed, and Airlock’s entire face went deep crimson, which was something she did that I was really starting to like. It seemed that directly talking about fucking, breeding, or anything sexual got her face to do that, which just made me want to do it as much as possible.

“When is Eriok coming?” Emissary asked. “Do you think he’ll like me if I dress like this, or should I dress more like…”

Her eyes moved between Airlock and Weapons, though I could tell she thought both women looked ridiculous. Would she wear something she hated just because I told her Eriok would like it? It was tempting to push the limits and see what I could get her to wear, but I did need Eriok to want her, so I decided to give her an honest answer.

“Eriok will arrive within a few days. His Grasp Drive is currently refueling on a gas giant, and once he has collected enough reaction mass, he’ll be here. I’ll figure out what he likes and tell you, though I’m sure he’ll prefer you naked in the end.”

Now Airlock and Weapons laughed, while Emissary blushed and crossed her arms.

Airlock and the women started doing this thing where they acted like the other two would leave, but they only ever shuffled their feet a few centimeters toward the wall, then they’d stop and chat more, laughing and smiling. They’d say goodbye—again—then shuffle step a few more centimeters, only to resume the chitchat.

After two or three repetitions of this, I got impatient and simply moved the wall. The wall slid quickly toward them, and before they could start talking again, I had the wall swalllow up Emissary and Weapons and suck them back into their own rooms while still in mid-conversation.

Airlock looked at me with wide eyes. “Did you really just do that?”

“They were never going to leave otherwise,” I said.

She laughed nervously, because I was staring at her breasts. “I like your dress. Your breasts look like they are defying gravity.”

“Is there really gravity on this ship?”

I shook my head. “It’s not gravity, but something else. Something I couldn’t explain to you without the Hivemind speaking through me, and then you wouldn’t understand it either. But your breasts, Airlock…”

I reached up and touched her collarbone, because I wanted to work my way gently and slowly down her plunging cleavage. It felt too crass and direct to just squeeze one of her breasts immediately.

Still, I took her fast, with a burning hunger and desire. I threw her onto the bed, and I tore her dress. Then I tore at the garments under the dress, and when neither of us could get them all off, I just had the ship turn her clothes back into the misty form of the construction matrix, and soon the mists parted, leaving her lying perfectly naked in front of me.

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction