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“Are you thinking over what I asked you, little human, or are you silent because you want me to make you cum and are still afraid to ask for it?”

I nodded. “The second one.”

He took wide step forward, closing the distance between us, and then his strong hand was on my throat. He grasped me with almost no pressure, but just feeling his powerful hand on the softness of my throat reminded me how much stronger he was than me, and it apparently reminded my body how attractive that was, because I felt myself burning hot all over while I got wet between my legs. I held my breath and met his eyes.

“What are you afraid of, Airlock Eve?”

“I was an engineer,” I said, “or I still am an engineer. Do you know what that is?”

He squeezed my throat ever so slightly. “You’re stalling, Airlock, but go ahead and tell me.”

“It’s someone who designs and builds machines or technology. Sometimes we just maintain them. Either way, we have to know how things work, and how which pieces fit into which holes. We like to know exactly how everything will fit together before we even tighten a single screw…”

I looked down at his cock, and then between my legs. I frowned. “I’m worried that’s not going to fit.”

He grinned wide. “If you want it, it will fit, human.”

I gulped, and I felt the soft skin of my throat scratch against his calloused hand. He squeezed me harder until I had to struggle to breathe. “What do you want, Airlock?”

There were things I hadn’t told him. Things I was still afraid of, but these were things I didn’t think I could tell him about. I felt he’d just laugh at me. For example, I was afraid of what my new role would be. I’d been an engineer, and now what was I? The Hivemind and its seamless technology that Thuliak and his kind manipulated with their will alone meant that engineers like me were probably going to be useless. What was I then? Breeder Eve? Scioness Eve? Mother Eve?

There would be ways to ask him about this without showing how vulnerable it all made me feel, but I wasn’t ready to ask questions like this yet. I was already too overwhelmed with the prospect of this giant cock trying to fit inside me.

“Is it going to hurt?” I asked.

“Do you want it?” he asked, seemingly ignoring my question.

“I do,” I whispered, “but—”

He slid his grip up my throat and covered my mouth with his palm. “Then no buts. It might hurt, but nothing good ever comes without some pain. If you want it, then I give it to you, my little human.”

As an engineer, I preferred logical arguments. Facts and logic fit together well and made things neat and easy to understand. The argument Thuliak had just given me was completely devoid of logic. I got the impression that his kind had a different view of what it meant to “want” something. For women on Eden, just because you wanted something didn’t mean you were ever going to get it. There were plenty of things we might have wanted, but we couldn’t expect to get even a fraction of those things. On Eden, we even had things we weren’t allowed to want, like men.

For Thuliak, it seemed very different. When he wanted something, he took it. He wanted me, and now I was his. He wanted Tschenkar to be Fifth—which I still needed to ask about—and he made it so. This must be what it meant to be a scion: You shaped the world around you to your own will. Now he was extending a taste of that to me. He was telling me that if I wanted something, I’d have it. The only downside was that I’d feel some pain? Maybe I could throw myself into his world and embrace the pain. When he bit me, it had hurt, but it had hurt in a way I’d never imagined before. When he fucked me, maybe it would be like that?

“I want it,” I said, “I want it.” I made it sound more forceful the second time, and Thuliak grinned wide. He slid his hand back down my throat, and then across my collar bone. He leaned forward, and his lips fell onto my throat just where he’d squeezed. He didn’t exactly kiss me—I still wasn’t sure what counted as a kiss—but his tongue and lips were on my throat, and they were wet and warm. I started breathing heavily, which felt good because of where he was kissing me. Or licking me. Or sucking on me. Or whatever it was he was doing.

My hands found his body. I grabbed tight, feeling thick muscle wherever I touched. His body was warm as a furnace, and despite how hard and thick with muscle he was, there was still some softness to be found. He was flesh and blood, just like me, and flesh and blood could only ever be so hard. He wasn’t hard like a stone—he was hard like a man, and I was only even beginning to understand what that meant and felt like.

I reached down the rippling muscles of his back, until thick warm muscle rose up, and I reached down and squeezed his butt. It was striking how different a man’s butt was to a woman’s. Tuliak’s Butt was chiseled, like a beautiful sculpture chipped from marble, but powerfully warm to the touch. I slid my fingers along the soft skin over his hard ass muscles. The muscles tightened and flexed as I touched them, and I felt them move beneath his soft, warm skin, a reminder that Thuliak was not a statue, but pure flesh and blood. Which was somehow connected to some Hivemind machine, but I wasn’t going to worry about that last part right now.

He kissed down my body. He licked my breasts, but only for a few quick heartbeats, and then he was down to my stomach. I heard myself moan as he licked just below my belly button, but not because it felt especially good there, instead it was because my brain did this thing where it just imagined what would happen if Thuliak kept kissing down, and down, anddown, and when it reached the logical conclusion of where that would end, my bodywantedthat, and it wanted it bad.

My brain wasn’t as fast as my body, and I was suddenly very worried that I wouldn’t taste good, or that I’d somehow gross him out.

But just before he got close to kissing me there, his hand reached up behind my shoulders and pulled. Suddenly I was bent over his shoulder, and then I felt him move.

His body was so big and powerful—and tall—that it was like a mountain moving beneath me, and pushing me with it up into the air. He stood up with me hoisted onto his shoulder, his hand gripping possessively to my waist.

I screamed, but it was a playful scream, and I started laughing. The laughing stopped when his hand slid from my waist to my ass cheek, and he squeezed me there. I bit my lip to stifle a moan, but Thuliak was on the move. I jostled on his shoulder as he walked us toward his huge bed, but I did nothing to try to resist him. I just hung limp, transfixed that he could lift me so effortlessly. It made me feel so small and vulnerable, but protected too, because he held me with care and tenderness—even when he was carrying me around like a freaking caveman, which were the most patriarchal of all Earth societies, my teachers back on Eden would have reminded me.

“We always breed according to the host race’s customs,” he said, and then he threw me down onto the bed. It had a decent springiness to it, and I bounced and jostled a few times before falling to a stop. The sheets were soft and silky, and deliciously cool on my skin.

“You don’t…breed…on beds?” I asked.

“We sleep on the hard ground,” he said, “it keeps us from getting soft.”

“I didn’t actually know,” I said, suddenly staring at his cock, which was thick and huge and standing at full attention, “that, um, that humans had sex on beds. I mean, it makes sense. Sort of.”

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction