Page 10 of Loved With Color

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“I have a grandmother?”

“Yes. As well as a grandfather, a younger sister, a father, stepmother, and step grandparents. Aunts, uncles. Cousins. Everything really. I don’t mean to overwhelm you. My dad, well our dad, saw you in the news, a story about this place, and he just knew.”

“That’s incredible.” I am a bit shocked. The door opens again and Blake comes in.

“Hey baby,” he says standing next to my brother.

“Um, hi Blake. This is James, my brother,” I say. They shake hands. What a surreal moment.

“Brother? I thought you were an only child?”

“I thought so too.”

“Who is this?” James asks.

“My-” I begin but Blake cuts me off.

“Her fiancé.” I like the way that sounds, so I don’t say anything to correct that lie.

“Fiancé? That’s great. Bring him to lunch tomorrow. Dad will love it. The address is on the card,” he says handing me a business card from his pocket. I watch him exit the shop, leaving me standing there shocked as hell right now.

“What the hell was that?” Blake asks.

“I have no idea. You’ll come with me right?”

“Of course, baby.

“Oh God, thank you. I don’t think I can go alone.”

“Oh baby. You’ll never be alone again,” he says leaning over the counter to kiss me. “Are you up for dinner with my family?”

“Yeah, of course, Blake. Of course. What time should I be ready by?”

“Six. Does that work for you?”

“Okay, I’ll leave here a bit early. Pick me up at my place?” I ask. Despite being nervous as hell, I am looking forward to meeting his family.

“Sure thing, baby.” I come out from behind the desk and he immediately pulls me into his arms. He gives the best hugs. The best. “I have some news,” he says.


“I quit school. I also made an appointment with Star for now.”

“You did? What are you going to do?”

“I am going to make furniture. Work with my hands again,” he says.

“That’s amazing. What are you getting done?”

“What you drew on me last night.”

“What? But that was just a doodle. Don’t get my name tattooed on your chest,” I say stuttering

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“What if something happens? My name would be emblazoned on your chest long after we are through,” I say trying to reason with him.

“What part of forever didn’t you understand, Shaynah?”

“No, I got it, but what if-”

“No. I refuse to settle for less than everything,” he says reclaiming me with a kiss. A kiss that I feel down to my toes.

“Wahoo,” Star says. I pop my eyes open and pull away from his mouth grinning. “This better be the guy you had sex with last night,” she says laughing.

“Star!” I shout playfully.

“Just kidding,” she says holding her palms up.

“You two ready?”


“You are doing it, Shay. I’ll supervise. Your man then suggested I do a similar one on you,” she says gesturing to her work station.

“You did?” I turn back to Blake.

“Yep. Forever baby.”

“Forever,” I repeat, following Star. What a perfect beginning to the rest of my life.



Jealousy, plain and simple, is what made me say that I was her fiancé. Her talking to a man who wasn’t me, pissed me off, but then I found out it was her half-brother, I eased up some. Not all the way, because it was just too unbelievable and like something straight out of my grandmother’s soaps.

After our tattoo session, I kissed her again and let her get back to work. I spend the next couple of hours buying supplies from several different home improvement stores. Then I set them up in the shed in my backyard When I get to her apartment, I knock waiting for her to open the door. When she does, I damn near swallow my tongue. She’s wearing a sleeveless, knee-length black dress.

“Hi,” she breathes. “Is this okay?” she asks, spinning around so that the skirt of the dress flares out.

“You look beautiful,” I somehow manage to get out.

“Thank you. Are you ready?” she asks.

“Yes, of course. We are just going to my parent’s house. My mom has been cooking up a storm all afternoon. Neither of my parents have office hours on Friday unless there is an emergency.”

“That’s nice,” she says grabbing her keys from the table by the door. She shuts the door behind us and locks it. My car is parked out front. I help her into the passenger seat and then climb in the driver’s seat. It’s just starting to get dark, but I can’t help but repeatedly looking over at her. Her skirt has risen up her thighs. I reach out and touch her soft skin. She shivers under my touch.

“Spread those thighs, baby.” I demand, white knuckling the steering wheel.

“Here? Now?”

“Fuck, yes. Move your panties to the side.”

“I am not wearing any,” she says spreading her thighs for me.

“Are you trying to kill me?”

“No. Panties didn’t go with the dress,” she says. “Tell me what to do.”

Tags: M.K. Moore Romance