Page 97 of Beautiful Seduction

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“Pu-wese,” he managed. He’d been worked over more than once, his entire face swollen.

“Enjoy your stay in hell.” A sudden chill coursed through me, shoving aside the anger until a strange sense of calm washed over me. Then I was able to concentrate, fulfilling my need for revenge until blood pooled around his feet.

Seconds later, I backed away, taking several deep breaths.

“What do you want me to do with him?” Brando asked.

I turned to face him, prepared to clear the air between us. He was lucky he’d caught me at a calm moment, the sense of relief caused by both the act as well as the sweet scent of the man’s blood comforting.

“Have the mess cleaned up but leave him here. A feast for the rats. I suggest you remember, Brando, what happens to men who dare defy my authority.”

While he’d normally have a smart retort, he simply nodded then looked away.

While Niccolo hadn’t been correct in his assumptions about Brando’s loyalty, I refused to allow a single man in my employ to believe they had any right to question me.

As I left the building, the same men following me, I heard Brando’s sigh of relief.

There wouldn’t be an additional warning. I was finished with anyone playing games.

The single kill hadn’t been satisfactory.

The return to the house was arduous, the dead end unacceptable. All I could think about was Cassidy, which only heightened my fury. As soon as I parked the car, I jumped out, immediately heading for the house.

“What do you want to do now, boss?” Brando asked as I headed for the front door of my father’s house.

“We wait. Although I want this woman tracked down.”

When I handed him a photograph, he narrowed his eyes. “Who is she?”

“The last traitor to deal with.”

“Whew. Okay. I’ll hunt her down.”

“You can start at the restaurant,” I said, huffing.

I walked inside, listening for any sounds, Brando closing the door behind me. As I headed to find Cassidy, I realized blood covered my shirt. The last thing she needed to see was the aftermath of handling business. I stripped off my jacket, yanking the shirt over my head.

Then the chirp of my phone stopped me in my tracks. When I eyed the screen, I turned toward Brando, giving him a quick nod. He moved into action, pulling out his phone.


“My friend. Did you think I wouldn’t call?” Casimine dared to laugh at me.

“Are you prepared to turn her over?”

“I am, but only in exchange for the piece of vermin I mentioned earlier.” His continued laugh only allowed the strange calm to filter deeper into my system.

That’s when I was most dangerous.

“I need proof of life.”

“Of course you do. Come here, little kiddie.”

There was no sound like that of a frightened child, the agony in the tiny wails something that would keep me awake at night for years to come. I took a deep breath, holding it for as long as possible.

“Is that enough or would you like more?”

“Fuck you, Casimine. If you harm her in any way, there isn’t a hell you can put me in where I won’t get to you.”

Tags: Piper Stone Erotic