Page 67 of Beautiful Seduction

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They remained with me for the duration of the trip.

A trip straight into hell.

Why couldn’t I get him out of my mind? Why had I allowed my passion to shatter my resistance against him? Oh, God. What had I done? My mind remained fuzzy, the rage for my lack of resolve kicking me in the stomach. I closed my eyes, processing everything I’d seen and heard.

I’d been so wrong about Valentin that my heart ached at the thought. I’d wanted to care about him, to provide some glimpse at another side of the world, but he’d destroyed it, crushing my heart in the process. I was sick just thinking about it. I’d fallen into some ridiculous haze, allowing my lust to cloud the obvious.

Never again.

Never. Again.

He’d dragged me halfway across the world because of what? Because I’d seen him murdering three men? Then he couldn’t keep his hands off me.

I wasn’t entirely certain, although his warning that someone was out to kill me remained in the forefront of my mind. Even worse, he was certain I was behind whatever ‘business’ issues he was going through. I could tell that because of his brash demeanor and the way he looked at me. Could he really think I was some kind of plant?

Biting down on my lip, my gut told me that’s exactly what he believed, and it was certainly plausible.

Oh, God. How had my life spiraled out of control?

“Come with me,” Valentin stated, pulling me out of the back of the vehicle. Of course I didn’t have a choice. I had nothing. No method of contacting anyone, no understanding that my two friends were even alive.

As he dragged me toward a sprawling house, I continued to be surprised at the surroundings.

There were so many beautiful things in the world from art to nature. My mother used to tell me it was all in the eye of the beholder, but often people refused to see the beauty that surrounded them every day. They became so consumed in their work or family, struggles and responsibilities that they couldn’t take a few moments to truly enjoy their surroundings.

I hadn’t known what to expect when my captor had finally told me where he was taking me.


I’d never been any further out of the country than the Bahamas. I’d expected a fortress of some kind, scarred men all carrying assault rifles, prepared to shoot anyone who dared to try to invade the property.

I was shocked at the incredible sight as I was led from the car. Rolling hills of green, the color so vibrant that even in the late afternoon light, I was forced to shield my eyes. Everything was lush, the foliage thick and so alive. There were trees everywhere, fruits hanging low in the branches. I could see rows of dark green extending for hundreds of yards. I took a deep breath, holding the incredible scent in my lungs.

Grass, flowers, spices, and I could swear I was able to catch a whiff of an ocean even though I couldn’t see any water. The house wasn’t a mansion by any means. While gorgeous, the Mediterranean design straight out of a magazine, I gathered a sense it was built at least two decades before. There were two stories, the exterior woodworking ornate with wooden blinds and iron railings.

And there was a huge fountain in the front courtyard, the driveway made of colored stones. Dear God. The birds were even singing, so many of them that their sweet sound drowned out the rapid beating of my heart.

“What is this place?” I knew he was watching me as he always did, gauging my reaction. There was no sparkle in his eyes or a slight smile on his face, just the coldness that I’d seen from the minute I’d burst into that room.

As if I was to blame for his need to kill those men.

“My mother once called it paradise. I used to call it my second home. Come, Cassidy. I’m certain you’d enjoy a hot bath.”

Nothing had ever sounded so good. He’d left me alone for the remainder of the flight, never saying a word during the hour and a half drive. That had given me the peace I’d wanted, but it hadn’t been enough.

I needed answers.

I needed a miracle.

Tags: Piper Stone Erotic