Page 8 of His to Take

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The message comes with another attachment, and this time the photo shows me in the sheikh's room, my eyes closed in pleasure while he fucks me with his tongue.

Shit, shit, shit!

Hal looks at me in surprise when I jump out of my chair like my ass is on fire. "Everything okay?"

" think I have my period?"

Hal's eyes widen. "Uh...right. Do you need me to—-"

I grab my purse and force myself to smile. "I'll be right back."

"Sure, take your time." Hal looks concerned, and that only makes me hate myself even more. I really need to set things straight between us a.s.a.p., but in the meantime—-

The ladies' room is empty when I step inside, but I'm not buying it for a second, and my heart just pounds harder and faster as I force myself to move forward.

There are four cubicles total, and unlike most toilets, these ones have ceiling-to-floor doors made of frosted glass. There's no way to see what's going on inside, and if I remember correctly, it's also totally soundproof.

I use my foot to nudge the first door open, but it's empty, and the second one is, too. But before I'm able to check the third cubicle, the door has already opened on its own—-


The sheikh manages to haul me inside even as I'm struggling to get away, and my heart leaps to my throat when I hear him lock the door.

"What do you think you're doing?" I hiss under my breath.

"I should be the one to ask you that," the sheikh growls back. "Don't you remember who you belong to?"

Wetness instantly pools between my legs at the words, but I force myself to ignore it. "I don't belong to anyone, but you do. You're already engaged—-"


The smoothness of his tone makes me want to cry...and kick him in the balls at the same time.

How can he say I belong to him while telling me in the same breath that I'm not wrong about his engagement?

Does he really think it won't matter to me?

Does he think he can make me want him so much I won't mind sharing?

I've had enough, dammit.

I try pushing the sheikh away, but his rock-hard body doesn't even budge an inch.

"Get out of my way—-"

"Not until you promise me to end things with him."

Oh, the gall of him to ask that!

I glare up at him, snarling, "It's none of your business who I go out with—-"

"Then you leave me no choice."

It's the only warning I get before the sheikh makes his move, and shit, shit, shit, he's just too fast!

He's got me trapped between his lethally hard body and the door again, and I just want to die because the feel of this is so, so familiar, and it's making me so, so much wetter.

His breath caresses my ear, and I buckle against him.

"I can smell how much you want me," the sheikh rasps out. "You can deny it all you want, but we both know I turn you on. Don't I, my beauty?"

Since anything I say will only be a lie, I just try harder to shove him off me, but this only makes the sheikh press his body harder against mine, and God, oh God—-

I feel it again.

His fully engorged cock throbbing powerfully against my ass, and each and every lewd pulse is making me feel more and more delirious.

"Here are your choices this time, my Seven."

Dear God, here we go again.

"End it with that boy, and I'll let you go...or disobey me and face the consequences."

"You don't own me—-"

The sheikh suddenly grabs my jaw and forcibly turns my face to his.

"Last chance," he growls.

"Go to he—-" I don't get to finish what I have to say, with the sheikh already conquering my mouth in a brutally hard kiss.

God, no!

I wish I could say his kiss is unpleasant and disgusting, but my body is already starting to betray me even as I do my best to free myself. His lips are soft and passionate, his kiss forceful and demanding. And when he finally manages to pry my lips open, all I can do is moan—-


Because his tongue is finally inside my mouth, and the feeling of it is like no other.

Oh God.

I can feel myself weakening more and more with every thrust of his tongue inside of my mouth, and tears start burning behind my lids. I want to fight him off. I need to fight him off. But instead of doing any of those things, I find myself slowly losing my willpower to fight—-

"Kiss me back," the sheikh growls out in command, and instead of frightening me away, the harshness of his tone is what makes my toes curl hard.

This is insane, Seven!

And I know it is.

I know it's crazy for me to succumb to the sheikh's touch, but the moment he starts ordering me around like this, it's as if a secret side of me takes over, and the next thing I know I'm already turning around to wrap my arms around his neck...and acting like there's nothing better in this world than to submit to his bidding.

Tags: Marian Tee Erotic