Page 90 of Summer Cursed

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Chapter Eighteen

When I saw the men, I breathed a small sigh of relief. They were mostly runts like Roland. Weak and ineffectual. But there were a few like the ogre who had brought me here. They were the ones we needed to watch out for.

Stella smiled in a way I’d never seen before. “You always thought you knew me so well. Always looked down at poor, weak little Stella. Always thought you were better than me.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. I never thought I was better than you. It was always the opposite. I loved you like a sister. You could do no wrong in my eyes. Now? I’m not so sure. I can understand your sexual kinks. Those are your choices. But torturing people? That’s too fucked up.”

“Oh, such vulgarity from such a pretty mouth. You’ve always been crass. My mother used to want a go at you. ‘To shape you up.’ That’s what she always said. I’d never let her, but I should have.” She tilted her head and pursed her lips.

I really didn’t know what to say in response to that. Her family was beyond messed up.

She smiled again. “That shock you? Yeah, you should hear what my dad wanted to do to you. You wouldn’t have liked that. Trust me.” Her smiled turned into a sneer. “But enough about them. When I said I enjoyed what Roland did to me, I meant it. But what I liked even more was hurting him, controlling him. He loved it, and I craved it.” She glanced at his body and shook her head.

“He was a wimp, but he could take pain better than anyone I know. He was also willing to do whatever I told him if I got him off. It was a win-win, and now I have to find another to do my bidding.” She looked at Isaac with a pretty little smile.

“Fuck no,” he said with a growl.

“Hmmph,” she grunted with a pout, turning her attention to Philip’s wolf. “You’re an interesting one, aren’t you? Do you want to play with me?”

Philip shifted. He stood there naked as the day he was born with Roland’s blood all over him. She looked at his crotch and licked her lips. With one finger under her chin, he lifted her face so she was looking at him, and only him. He pulled his lips back to reveal his fangs. I heard her release a shaky breath and could smell her arousal.

“You would never control me. And you definitely couldn’t handle me, little one,” he said.

“Damn,” she breathed. “You might be right, but I’d still love to give it ago. I bet you’re fun.”

“Oh, I am.” His face lowered so his lips were just touching hers. “Now that I think of it, it might be fun to straighten you out.”

She moaned, her hands gripping his upper arms while his moved to her waist.

I shook my head and snapped my fingers. “Yo, Stella, over here.” She growled but looked at me. “Your men here are weak. We will plow through them. Then I’m coming for you.”

She laughed. “That’s not going to happen. And you’ll never find the shifters. But don’t worry, everyone will know everything soon enough. Boys!” As her guys moved in, she kissed Philip. “Don’t die.”

“I promise you, your little men will not harm me,” he said, watching her as she turned to leave. He seemed mesmerized by her.

The rogues charged at us, distracting us enough so she could leave without anyone stopping her. Even as weak as most of them were, they had weapons, we did not. Therefore, we had our work cut out for us.

One of the smaller guys swung his sword at me. It was too heavy for him, so I was able to avoid it and wrench it out of his hands. In one smooth swing I separated his head from his body. It still made me cringe, but it was them or me, so I really had no choice.

I took out a few more puny ones before I found myself face to face with the one who had abducted me. “Ah, so we meet again,” I said, twirling the sword around like a baton.

On a growl he lifted his weapon. Liam noticed and turned in our direction. This gave the other big guy the chance to grab him. “Leon, no. You know we can’t kill her,” he called out, holding the sword to Liam’s throat. The one in front of me pouted and lowered his weapon.

I shook my head. Idiot, I thought. He’d just given me vital information. No matter what, they wouldn’t kill me. So, I was safe for the most part. But Liam wasn’t. He had a blade to his throat and that just wouldn’t do.

“Let him go,” I growled.

I jumped back as Leon’s head fell to the floor by my feet. I glanced at Isaac, and he shrugged. “Sorry, didn’t think it would land there.”

“Thanks,” I said as I shook my head and refocused my attention on Liam. The guy holding him pressed the blade in enough to draw blood. Just the sight of his blood had my energy spiking to a breaking point.

“Isaac, Liam, shift. Now,” was all I had time to say before my shift overpowered me.

When the rogues saw Liam’s wolf they freaked out. My wolf—Artemis’ Wolf—sent them further into their panic. Separately we were impressive, together we were fucking majestic.

Most of the remaining rogues stood frozen in fear which made them easy marks for Isaac and Philip. Liam’s and my wolf stalked toward the big guy. He still held his sword but the fear in his eyes was clear. He lifted his weapon and my wolf saw her opening. She flew at him, locking her jaws around his throat.

Liam’s wolf bit down on his hand making him drop the sword. It hit the ground with a clang as he fell backward, my wolf still on his chest. His screams rang through the room but only for a moment before she tore out a sizeable chunk of his neck.

Tags: Kimberly Quay Paranormal