Page 81 of Summer Cursed

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“Liam,” I breathed as he pressed against me but didn’t enter. “Are you going to make me beg again?”

“Yes,” he growled. He was teasing himself too.

His voice was so strained I knew he’d lose his control soon, and I smiled as I rose to kneel on the bed, putting my face only inches away from his.

“Ya know, I think it’s your turn to beg,” I said as I touched myself again and brought my fingers to his lips. A pang of desire hit me when the warmth of his tongue ran over them before he sucked them into his mouth.

I slid my fingers out and lowered my hand to his shaft, gliding it over him a few times before I shifted to the side.

“Lie down,” I said.

Once he was settled, I knelt beside him. His hand moved to my ass as I bent forward to take him into my mouth.

I ran my tongue up his shaft and around his head at the same time I moved my hand in a slow rhythm. I kept it light and slow, enough to feel good but make him crave more. His hand tightened on my ass before he moved it in between my legs, sliding his fingers inside me. He moved them in and out slowly, only picking up the pace when I did. I took him fully into my mouth as my need for him grew. When I grazed my teeth over his shaft with the slightest of pressure, it awakened something primal in him.

On a growl, he sat up and threw me onto the bed. He thrust into me, hard and wild like the animal trapped inside him. It was just what I needed. I needed to let go of the anger and hurt I felt over Stella. I needed to forget he was my mate and just let him fuck me into oblivion.

I lowered my hands to his ass, urging him on as the climax overpowered me. My head thrashed from side to side as I cried out his name, begging him to keep going.

When I settled down, he stopped moving but didn’t pull out. “Look at me,” he said.

I opened my eyes to see his staring back at me. A gasp slipped out when I noticed one was blue, like mine. Before I could say anything, he pulled out and slowly slid back in, and I no longer cared. He did this a few times while holding my gaze.

“You are mine now.” He kissed me. “Tell me, Red, say it.”

“I’m yours, Liam,” I said, pulling his head down for another kiss. Gripping him tightly, I flipped us over. It was my key move. One I had used to dominate my lovers in the past. One I had used to ensure I got off too.

This time though, it was so I could pleasure him more than myself. I wanted to make him come. I wanted to see his face as I lowered myself onto his erection.

I watched his hands move to my hips. I watched his eyelids lower halfway and flutter as I covered him in my warmth. I watched him as I moved my hips in small circles, working him until he held me in a bruising hold. I watched his face as his climax hit, as he pumped his hips upward, pushing himself further into me.

His grip on me loosened and his hips lowered back to the bed. I kissed him with every ounce of passion I felt, ending it with a nip of his bottom lip to get him to look at me. “Let’s not forget, you are mine.”

“Hell yes, I am,” he said, sliding his hand to the back of my head to pull me down for another kiss.

We fell asleep in each other’s arms, and it didn’t suck.

We woke throughout the night. We made love, fulfilled a frantic need, pleasured each other with hands and mouths, or simply cuddled. We just needed to be with each other, and it didn’t matter how.

Isaac and I had often talked about the possibility of sex feeling even more wonderful with our mates, and it did, there was no question about it, but it was more than the pleasure. It was the intimacy, the love I wasn’t sure I felt yet but was there in the background.

“Liam,” I whispered just before sunrise.

“Hmm?” He pulled me close and curled himself around me.

I snuggled back into him, feeling his arousal against my back. “Why was one of your eyes blue last night?”


“Your right eye turned blue last night.”

He levered himself onto his elbow to look at me. “Hmm, must be a mate thing.” His words were light, but his features were stiff. “Yours got brighter, kind of glowed. Mine do that if I tap into my power. I can only assume yours do the same with your power.”

I shrugged. “I’ve never used my power.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Never?”

“Nope.” He didn’t say anything for a while, and I wondered if something was wrong. “Is that a problem?”

Tags: Kimberly Quay Paranormal