Page 35 of Summer Cursed

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The man tried to shove my wolf off but thought better of it when she leaned in close to his face, showing him her pearly whites. That’s right, dickface, don’t mess with my wolf, I thought.

“Get off of me, you bitch,” he said. Henry screeched and from the man’s reaction he must have dug his talons in again.

Liam came flying through the hole where my front door used to be and slid to a stop.

“Fucking hell,” he breathed when he took in the scene.

My wolf yipped and moved to his side. She nudged his hand until he rubbed it over her head, giving her a little smile. She liked him. At least one of us did.

Philip came strolling in a moment later. “Fascinating,” he breathed when his eyes landed on my wolf.

Liam shot him a look. “Get him,” he said, motioning to the intruder. As Philip passed, my wolf and Henry kept their eyes on him.

Philip pulled the man to his feet and tied his hands behind his back. Then in a moment that reminded me of every Scooby Doo episode I’d ever seen, he said, “Let’s see who’s under there, shall we?” as he removed the ski mask.

I didn’t recognize the man, but Liam clenched his jaw so tightly his teeth creaked. The guy was from the Autumn pack.

“I assume you know this guy?” I said after having shifted back to human.

He turned in my direction, his mouth poised to answer me, but he froze when he saw me.

Philip chuckled. “You never have on the proper attire, do you?”

“Ya know what, Phil, you can just go—”

“Yes, I think I will just go,” he interrupted as he dragged the intruder outside.

I looked back to Liam to find him still staring at me. “Get a good look?” I teased.

“For now,” he said, his voice thick with desire. He was better at shielding himself than the idiot who’d broken in, but I didn’t need to smell Liam’s arousal to know it was there.

“So, who was that guy? He’s clearly an Autumn packmate.”

“His name is Charles.”

I tilted my head. “What’s going on in your pack, Mr. Fraser?”

The smirk on his face contradicted the heat in his eyes. “Do you mind putting something on before we talk?”

Because it was fun to toy with him, I sauntered my way over to him until I was almost touching him. The fabric of his shirt tickled my breasts sending a shot of heat between my legs.

“Mmm, Mr. Fraser, does seeing me naked make you uncomfortable?”

He lowered his face to within a hair’s width from mine. He ran a finger over my bottom lip before taking my chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilting my face toward his. “Not at all. If you’d like, I can show you just how comfortable I am with it.”

I couldn’t stop the smile from forming on my lips. In my experience with men, it bothered them when a female was aggressive or confident or in any way capable of taking care of themselves. They preferred to rule the roost or overpower us. Liam not only seemed unbothered by my messing with him, but he was also going to give as good as he got without getting angry or violent.

The bastard was growing on me.

“Maybe some other time.” I licked his bottom lip and laughed a little at his growl as I turned toward my bedroom.

He grabbed my arm to pull me back to him. His hand moved to my lower back, holding me close. There was no mistaking his desire now, and I struggled not to rub against it.

“I only have so much control, Red,” he said as his lips crushed to mine.

I let the kiss linger, meeting his tongue with mine in a frantic, heated dance. After a few moments, I broke the kiss with a nip on his lip.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I said, pushing him away from me.

Tags: Kimberly Quay Paranormal