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He stormed toward me, not even stopping as he wrapped his hand around my throat, lifting my feet off the ground before forcing me back onto the bed. “Learn your place, Harmony. I don’t want to have to warn you again. Learn it, and learn it fast, because next time I won’t be so forgiving for your ridiculous outbursts.”

He tightened his grip on my throat, squeezing the last little bit of air from my lungs and causing my head to feel heavy like a brick. He held me like that until I slowly started to see black spots clouding my vision. At first they were small, but they grew as they joined with others. It was kind of a mesmerizing thing to watch as you felt the life slowly slipping from your body, your brain not getting enough oxygen and starting to close down. It was only then he released and my lungs strained as I gasped for air. I coughed and spluttered, rolling onto my side in the soft blankets of the bed and lifting my chin, attempting to open my airway again.

Oh yes, he was a pro. He knew how far he could push to make the pain feel,oh so real,and then when to pull back. It made me sick to think that this man’s blood could be running through my veins. That he was a part of who I was. I guess it was that same old argument, nurture versus nature.

Edward stepped back and I forced myself to stand, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me lying down and scared. My legs wobbled, but I gripped one of the large posts of the bed to steady myself. I caught a silent smirk pass over his face before his glare once again returned.

“Dinner will be in a few hours. I will have some things brought up for you to wear.” With that, he turned sharply and left.

My body sagged, sliding down the post of the bed and landing with a light thump on the floor. My mind couldn’t compute what was going on.

Why the hell did he want me here? To force his awesome parenting skills on me? To make us into one big happy family?

I scoffed.

I looked around the room, once seeing it as beautiful, gorgeous even. Now I did see that dark, damp cell. It was just disguised with frilly curtains and floral patterns.

Tags: Addison Jane The Club Girl Diaries Romance