Page 80 of Nash's Songbird

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“When are you marrying him?” Emily asked tentatively.

“No, silly.” Eva startled her with another giggle. “West doesn’t know I’m marrying himyet.”

Whowasthis woman? Eva was full of surprises. She was both unexpectedly chatty and devious.

“I just have to get him to see me as marriage material,” Eva said. “Anyway, Nash is going to help me trap his brother into talking to me. Ha! I’m going to leave this little beauty in one of West’s ugly sports cars, and voila, I have my excuse to get him alone.”

That was an awful plan.

“I need to talk to Nash and get his advice,” Eva continued in the face of Emily’s open scowling. “He hardly answers any of my texts or my calls. Can you believe it? You’d think he was busy with something… or someone.” Eva giggled again, giving her a knowing look.

Emily had enough sense to shake her head. “It’s not like that.”

It isn’t now, not if everything she’s saying is true!

“Sure, it’s not like that,” Eva retorted. Her perfect brows arched sarcastically. Ugh. Eva might have the face of a sweet little baby doll, but she was a woman of the world. It killed Emily that Eva had guessed everything that had happened between her and Nash. How had Emily gotten to that point where she’d become a cliché? She’d thrown herself headlong into the unknown because of a pair of strong arms.

Nash had tried to tell her last night about the oil, hadn’t he? Emily wouldn’t listen to the truth, not even from his own mouth. It was unlike her, but now she knew why she’d taken such precautions against love in the first place. River had been right to tell her to take it easy.

This wouldn’t hurt so much if she’d just been more cautious. This was her fault!

Eva licked her glossy lips uneasily, as if sensing that her chummy girl talk wasn’t going according to plan. “Where’d Nash go?”

Emily had no idea, probably out plotting more intrigues behind her back, but was he? Was he really? Or was she having a freak out again? “Nash?” Emily wrestled free from her blankets to find him. She wanted to hear all of this from him—she was a fool to believe this woman… or she was a fool to believe him. Emily needed the truth. “Nash?” she called out into the hall.

He came out from the back, his hair wet from a shower. He looked as good as when she’d left him last night and just as innocent, like he hadn’t transformed into a monster overnight. Emily felt herself relax when she saw him, and immediately tensed back up when she remembered what Eva had said about that oil. He had some explaining to do.

His eyes widened at seeing Eva. “What are you doing here?”

That was the question of the hour.

“You didn’t answer my last text,” Eva said brightly. “You’ve been a bad boy.”

Emily gritted her teeth. Hereallyhad.

Tags: Stephanie Fowers Romance