Page 56 of Nash's Songbird

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He was calling them a couple? She could get used to that. Emily leaned against him, trying to decide what dating Nash for real might mean. Lizardman let out a tiny whine. She smiled. “We might have to figure out yoga with the dog, first,” she said.

“I’d be down for that. I bet he does a mean down dog… and up dog… and whatever other dog pose they’ve got.”

She smiled. “He might show us a thing or two, ya know, if he survives this.” Lizardman whined in response.

Her Miss Small Town song definitely required a different ending; maybe she’d even have to pen a new song to detail this new development. Something likeLet’s get real.Her heart soared, less on the possibilities of writing a new song, and more on getting to know Nash without any obstacles between them.

She could hardly wait… but first, she just wanted to enjoy the present and not get wrapped up in songs or the future or the past, but really live in the now and figure out if he was good for her, despite all the times that she told herself, “no.” They watched the view together. Her back was nestled against his chest as he held her. Her eyes trailed over their legs—her leg was on his. She hadn’t seen her rock yoga ending like this. Had he?

“I like the kind of man that you make me,” he said. “You know that?”

Did she really help him be better? And what about him? Did he help her? He definitely had so far—her confidence had soared, her creativity felt unleashed, even as she grew more comfortable with who she was, but she couldn’t imagine what she’d done for him. “What kind of man is that?” she asked.

“A man who deserves you, and I’m going to keep trying harder every day.”

She took a deep breath. Emily wanted to take him seriously; she wanted to believe that he wanted to make what they had last for the long term. She couldn’t imagine anything she wanted more, but how could she trust him completely? “What about all those other women?”

“What other women?”

She laughed. “Well, you’re kind of a ladies’ man.”

“I only want to beonelady’s man,” he said. “Look, I never knew that we would be so good together. I don’t think I’m the only one who feels this.”

He was right. She definitely wanted to see where this went. Her affection for him battled with her doubts. If her optimism won out, would she be doing the right thing? He was so sweet with Lizardman, with Dakota, and Millie. He treated his own mother like gold. His twin couldn’t get enough of him. And the work he was doing on the ranch was legit. She’d been so afraid that West was trying to corrupt him, but he was doing pretty well for himself.

With or without her, he was a good guy. Dating him might not actually be a mistake… it might be the best decision of her life.

Lizardman wandered off her lap to lick at Nash’s face. Trying to buy herself more time to think, she reached down to wring out her shirt. His hands joined hers as he helped her. She crumpled against him with a smile. If nothing else, he was the master of flirtation. His fingers brushed her wrist and a jolt of attraction rushed through her, causing the goosebumps that he’d chased away with his warmth to come right back up.

She stilled. If anything, the chemistry was alive and well between them.

Taking a deep breath, she turned her head and caught him in a kiss. He fervently returned every ounce of her affection and more, though this time he took it slow, as if showing that he fully expected to be able to kiss her now, tomorrow, and even many years down the road, in order to get to know each other, like they both were eager to do.

“Yes…” she said between kisses. “Let’s make this real.”

Tags: Stephanie Fowers Romance